| MIL-B-48447A(MU)
a. At a frequency of 5 Hertz (Hz), the acceleration shall be
.65 G (peak).
b. During a frequency sweep of 5 to 9 Hz, increase acceleration
linearly from .65 to 1.5 G's (peak).
c. During a frequency sweep of 9 to 500 Hz, maintain constant
acceleration of 1.5-G's (peak).
d. During a frequency sweep of 500 to 9 Hz, maintain constant
acceleration of 1.5 G's (peak).
e. During a frequency sweep of 9 to 5 Hz, decrease accelaration
linearly from 1.5 G's to .65 G (peak).
f. At 5 Hz, the acceleration shall be .65 G (peak).
The frequency of applied vibration shall be swept logarithmically in 15
minute + 1 minute sweep cycles for a total of two hours per axis. The
body assembly shall show no evidence of physical failure subsequent to
vibration. Following the vibration test, the body assembly shall meet
the requirements of 3.2 and 3.5 through 3.17.4 inclusive.
3.4.4 Vibration "B" - Vibration shall be applied along each of
three mutually perpendicular axes of the body assembly. The vibration
shall be sinusoidal as follows:
a. At a frequency of 5 Hertz (HZ), the-acceleration shall be
1.0 G (peak).
b. During a frequency sweep of 5 to 500 Hz, maintain constant
acceleration of 1.0 G(peak).
c. During a frequency sweep of 500 to 5 Hz, maintain constant
acceleration of 1.0 G (peak).
d. At 5 Hz, the acceleration shall be 1.0 G (peak).
The frequency of applied vibration shall be swept logarithmically in 15
minute + 1 minute sweep cycles for a total of 15 minute + 1 minute along
each of the three mutually perpendicular axes (total vibration time 45
minutes (+3 minutes). The body assembly shall show no evidence of phy-
sical failure subsequent to vibration. Following the vibration test, the
body assembly shall meet the requirements of 3.2 and 3.5 through 3.17.4
3.4.5 Shock. - The body assembly shall be subjected to 24 cumulative
shocks consisting of three each at 100 G's, then 40 G's, applied in each
direction along each of the two mutually perpendicular horizontal axes
(all four sides). The body assembly shall also be subjected to six cumu-
lative shocks consisting of three each of 90 G's, then 35 G's applied in
one direction along the vertical axis (normal operating position of body
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