| ![]() MIL-B-70511B (AR)
3.3 Design. The M2 Bolt shall conform to the design
specified herein, on drawing 11833491 and drawings
applicable thereto, and shall be in accordance with the
applicable design provisions of MIL-W-13855.
3.3.1 Bolt carrier assembly. The bolt carrier shall move
through its full range of travel without binding in the upper
3.3.2 Bolt assembly. The bolt assembly shall be retained in
the bolt carrier by the locating pin.
The extractor shall be retained in the
3.3.3 Extractor.
bolt by the extractor pin. The extractor shall move through its
full range of travel under spring action without binding in the
bolt and shall be capable of engaging and extracting cartridge
cases from the barrel chamber when the rifle is function fired or
manually operated.
3.3.4 Elector. The ejector shall be retained in the bolt by
the spring pin and shall be held in the forward position by the
ejector spring. The ejector shall move through its full range of
travel under spring action without binding in the bolt and shall
eject cartridge cases completely out of the rifle when the rifle
is function fired or manually operated. When fully depressed,
the ejector pin shall be flush with or below the cartridge seat
in the bolt.
3.3.5 Firing pin. The firing pin shall be retained in the
bolt and bolt carrier assembly by the retaining pin. The firing
pin shall move freely through its full range of travel in the
bolt carrier assembly. The firing pin protrusion shall be a
maximum of .036 inches and a minimum .028 inches. The chromium
plating of the firing pin shall be free of nodules, flaking,
stripping, anode burns, and evidence of etched base steel, except
as specified on the applicable drawing.
3.3.6 Bolt. The Bolt (11833495) shall be free of cracks,
seams, and other injurious defects as evidenced by visual and
magnetic particle inspection.
3.4 Performance characteristics.
3.4.1 Firing pin indent. When the bolt is closed and the
firing mechanism is released, the firing pin indent shall be not
less than 0.020 inch. The firing pin indent shall not be
center more than one half the maximum diameter of the indent.
When, in a vertical, muzzle down position, the bolt carrier
assembly is released from the full recoil position and the firing
mechanism is not actuated, the firing pin indent shall not be
more than 0.008 inch.
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