| ![]() MlL-C-10082C(MU)
4.2.2 Objective evidence. The supplier shall provide objective evidence
acceptable to the contracting officer that the requirements of 3.1 and
section 5 for which specific inspection has not been provided in this specifica-
tion have been satisfied.
4.2.3 Substation inspection. If the supplier elects to establish inspection
substations for the purpose of conducting inspection for certain Iisted defects,
the Acceptable Quality Levels (AQLIS) for each inspection substation shalI be
equal to the AQL which is the next numerically lower value than the AQL speci-
fied for the total Iisted defects. The requirements of MIL-STD-105 are applicable
to each substation and to the end item.
4 . 3 Lotting. A lot shalI consist of the canisters produced by one manufacturer,
at one plant, from the same materials, under essentialIy the same manufacturing
conditions. However, no more than one lot of canister elements shalI be
represented in any one lot of finished canisters.
4.4 Sampling.
Sampling shall be conducted
4.4.1 For examination and nondestructive tests.
in accordance with Ml L-ST D-l 05.
Sampling shall be conducted in accordance with
4.4 02 For rough handling.
4.5 Inspection provisions.
Sample canisters and the level
405.1 Examination and nondestructive tests.
A preparation for delivery shalI be examined and tested in accordance with the
classification of defects and MlL-STD-105.
4.5.2 For rough handling tests. Sample canisters shalI be tested in
accordance with 4.6.3. T he acceptance number is zero.
4.5.3 Critical defects. Each canister shalI be inspected for critical
characteristics Iisted in the classification of defects.
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