| ![]() MIL-C-16645A(SHIPS)
3.3.13 Housing.- The housing shall consist of cast frames, cast frames and forged tie rods, or
structural welded assembly which shall support the cylinders. The crankpits and the housing shall be
wholly enclosed to prevent the splashing of oil. Access openings with covers shall be provided for
observation and adjustment of the bearings, and where necessary breather openings fitted with screens
shall be provided.
3.3.14 Air valves.- The air valves shall be of the thin plate type of an efficient and durable design.
Air valves shall be readily accessible for inspection and overhaul.
3.3.15 Cooling system.- The compressor shall be provided with an efficient water cooling system, including water
jacketing for cylinders and heads, intercoolers and aftercooler. The temperature of air delivered from
the aftercooler shall not exceed the inlet temperature of the circulating water by more than 15 F. The
maximum temperature of air discharged from any stage of compression to the cooler following shall not
exceed 400 F. under any normal operating condition. Consideration will be given to air cooling, in lieu of water cooling, of cylinders pro-
viding all other specified indications are met, providing the additional heat given off to the air does not
exceed 32 b. t. u. per minute while the machine is running, and providing it is shown that there will be a
saving in weight and cast thereby.
3.315.2 All parts of the cooling system shall be of corrosion-resisting material and shall be
designed for the use of salt water supplied from the ship's flushing or fire mains, or, when specified,
from an attached circulating water pump. The cooling system shall be designed for a working pressure
of 50 p.s. i. at the cooling water relet and shall be capable of withstanding a maximum pressure of
150 p.s.i. Provision shall be made for completely draining all parts of the circulating water system. The cooling water system shall be so arranged that the quantity of cooling water supplied
to the oil cooler (if provided) may be regulated without affecting the quantity of cooling water supplied to
the remainder of the system.
3.3. 15.4 Provision shall be made for positive and automatic control of the cooling water so that
the water is turned on when the compressor is running and turned off when the compressor is not
running (see 3. 5.3. 1).
3.3. 15. 5 Coolers inter and after.- Inter and after coolers shall be of the straight-tube type,
Consideration will be given to the use of coil-type coolers. Above pressures of 250 p.s.i.g. , the air
shall flow through the cooler tubes, with water flowing over and around the tubes. Cooler tubes shall
be rolled or welded into tube sheets or headers at both ends. Provision shall be made for the expansion
of tube nests. Stay rods, if and as necessary shall be provided for support of tube sheets and air heads.
Cooling coils, if used, shall be rigidly tied together by strips brazed to each coil turn. The complete
coil assembly shall be supported in the cooler in a manner that will prevent vibration of the coil. Each
cooler tube nest shall be a self-contained unit so that it may be easily removed from the compressor as
a unit for inspection and cleaning. Suitable water and air relief valves shall be fitted on each cooler,
except that a water relief valve on the first intercooler will not be requires. Unless otherwise specified
in the contract or order water relief valves shall be set at 155 p. s. i. Moisture separators.- Efficient separators shall be provided for removing free mois-
ture and oil from the air upon delivery from each intercooler and aftercooler, All separators shall be
fitted for blowing out accumulations of water and oil. Drain provisions shall be accessible for opera-
tion from the operating or- gage board side of the unit, insofar as practicable.
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