| ![]() MIL-C-17694/l(SH)
P O cable. PQ1, PQ2 and PQ3 cables shall each consist of four insulated
n o n b u o y a n t single-conductors cabled together to form a quad.
A Q cable. AQ1, AQ2 and AQ3 cables shall each consist of four insulated,
s e l f b u o y a n t , s i n g l e - c o n d u c t o r s cabled together to form a quad.
TABLE IV. Drawings for quad cable construction.
Type Q1 cable assemblies. The two shorter conductors (short legs) of the PQ1
quad section cable shall be terminated at one end and by part 516 as-shown on
Drawing S8101-1449538 and table II. T h e two longer conductors (long legs) of the
PQ1 quad section shall be terminated at one end by part 517 as shown on Drawing
S8101-1449538 and table II. T h e other ends of the four conductors shall be
continuous with the AQ1 cable as shown on Drawing S8101-1449538 and table II.
Each conductor of the other end of the AQ1 cable shall be terminated with a
f l e x i b l e connection (pigtail) consisting of:
(a) Parts 527, 522, and 524, as shown on Drawing S8101-1449539.
( b ) S i x f e e t , 6 inches of 400 MCM, 61 by 7/.0306 inch medium hard drawn
(MHD) copper cable.
(c) Part 520 as shown on Drawing S8101-1449539.
T y p e 02 c a b l e a s s e m b l i e s . T h e short legs of the PQ2 section shall be
terminated at one end by part 556 as shown on Drawing S8101-1441852 and table II.
The long legs of the PQ2 section shall be terminated at one end by part 555 as
shown on Drawing S8101-1441852 and table 11. The other ends of the four ,
conductors shall be continuous with the AQ2 cable as shown on Drawing
S8101-1441852 and table II. Each conductor of the other end of the AQ2 cable
s h a l l be terminated with a pigtail consisting of:
( a ) P a r t s 5 6 4 , 560, and 561, as shown on Drawing S8101-1441853.
( b ) S i x f e e t , 6 inches of 500 MCM, 61 by 7/.0342 inch MHD copper cable.
(c) Part 558 as shown on Drawing S8101-1441853.
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