| ![]() MIL-C-17694/l(SH)
TABLE VI. PQ and AQ terminal assembly parts.
A Q cable sections. F o r AQ cable, t h e pair of conductors forming the short
l e g shall be separated from the pair of conductors forming the long leg. This
s h o r t leg pair shall be cut to a length of 5 feet and the cut ends terminated with
t h e same type of flexible connections and terminal fittings as already on the
s a m p l e , except that the duplex connector shall remain separated. T h i s p a i r s h a l l
t h e n be subjected to the tensile strength test. T h r e e feet shall be cut from the
remaining part of one of the short leg components and subjected to the buoyancy
t e s t . O n e of the long leg components shall be subjected to the flexing test. The
r e m a i n i n g long leg conductor and its terminal lug shall be subjected to the
c o m p r e s s i o n and terminal lug insulation adhesion tests.
R e t e s t i n g . I n the event of failure of any sample to pass the quad tensile
t e s t , both the pair of conductors forming the long leg and the pair forming the
s h o r t leg shall be retested.
A d d i t i o n a l examinations. A f t e r winding on shipping reels, 25 feet of the PQ
c a b l e shall be unreeled and stretched out flat and the PQ terminals checked for
evenness. P Q terminals shall be even within 1/4 inch when so examined.
R e e l s . Separate reusable steel reels for winding type Q cable assemblies
(PQ/AQ cables with K4 electrodes attached) shall be manufactured in accordance
w i t h the following drawings:
Assembly type
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