| ![]() MIL-C-18244A(WEP)
Lateral Control -
(a) During the landing phase, the airplane shall perform lateral maneuvers
by coordinated turns. The uncoordinated sideslip angle shall not exceed.
the limits specified in The longitudinal axis of the air-
plane shall not be tied to a heating reference, in order tO tietiati the
effect of side gusts on lateral touchdown dispersion.
(b) The transfer function from bank command to actual bank angle, when
fitted by a second order lag, shall exhibit a natural frequency
and damping factor
within the following limits:
This requirement shall be met for step input commands up to + 10 degrees bank angle and in
presence of noise as indicated in
Airspeed Control - The indicated airspeed shall automatically be maintained
at the correct approach by controlling the forces acting on the aircraft in the flight path direction
(thrust and/or drag force). he thrust control system shall include an auxiliary capability to quickly
counteract any airspeed change which may result due to pitch maneuvers. The action of the auxiliary
input may be checked by introducing an incremental pitch step command of 4 degrees up and 4 degrees
down with respect to trim conditions. In quiet air the airspeed change which results from either
pitch command shall not exceed 1.5% of the reference value in the transient and 1% in the steady
state. The auxiliary signal shall not be limited below a value which will be necessary to prevent
airspeed change when automatic waveoff commands are transmitted to the aircraft. The thrust
control system shall have the capability to decrease the airspeed error caused by a step horizontal
wind gust to 56.7% of the initial error within 4 seconds after initiation of the gust. A single overshoot
shall be permitted during the correction however it shall not exceed 20% of the initial error. The
airspeed shall be withtn 1% of the reference speed at steady state. For certain aircraft manual
control of airspeed shall be permitted when adquately justified by the contractor
Backlash and Deadspots- The total width of backlash or deadspot shall not
exceed 0.1 degree of pitch command in the channel from pitch command input to control surface and
in the channed from the pitch gyro to the control surface. For input signals larger than this specified
backlash, the system performance shall be as specified in and Back-
lash and deadspot in the channel from pitch input to control surface shall be determined on the ground
by varying the pitch command input up and down while the gyro signal is kept constant. Backlash and
deadspot in the channel from pitch gyro to the control surface shall be determined by tilting the pitch
gyro up and down while the pitch command signal is held at zero or a constant value. The backlash
and deadspot requirements shall be met under a loaded condition corresponding to 2 degrees of incre-
mental angle of attack with respect to the trimmed condition and under the unloaded neutral condition.
Neutral condition is defined as zero torque requirement from the servo. These same requirements
shall be met by the roll autopilot.
Noise Compatibility - Noise which is superimposed on a proper input signal
shall not saturate the automatic flight control system components and shall not cause objectionable
motion of control stick or wheel. The performance requirements specified in and shall be met under the presence of this noise. The noise content in the input signal to
the pitch and roll system shall be represented by white Gaussian noise which has a power spectrum
density and is passed through a filter with the transfer function
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