| MIL-C-18244A(WEP)
Pitch Command Input:
= 0.04 (degrees of pitch command)? per radian per second; flat
in the frequency range from 0 to at least 30 radians per second.
Bank Command Input:
= 0.02 (degree of bank command)2 per radian per second; flat in
the frequency range from 0 to at least 30 radians per second.
Command Signal Limiting - Means shall be provided to limit the pitch and
band command signals immediately before feeding them to the automatic flight control system. The
pitch command shall be limited to -13.5 and +6.5 degrees and the bank commmand shall be limited to
+ 30 degrees.
Data Link- The resolution of the data link shall be at least 0.04 degree
minimum for pitch and 0.1 degree minimum for roll. The sampling interval in the case of a
sampling data link shall be not greater than 0.1 second.
Tie-in With
Ground Controlled Bombing (AN/MPQ-14, AN/TPQ-10) - The
general tie-in requirements of
shall be applicable. Specific performance data for the auto-
matic flight control system - aircraft
combination shall be compatible with the performance require-
ments of the overall guidance loop and
shall meet the requirements of the detail system specification
Additional Requirements for Rotary Wing Aircraft - In addition to the appli-
cable requirements of 3.1.1, helicopter automatic flight control systems shall meet the following
Control Force Maneuvering - Where force maneuvering is a system require-
ment, the relationship between cyclic stick force and attitude or attitude rate in pitch and roll shall be
as specified in the applicable system specification, the yawing velocity shall be proportional to the
pedal force during hovering, and unless otherwise specified, the rate of climb or descent shall be
proportional to the collection stick force and the helicopter shall maintain the established altitude
when no force iS applied. To reduce the collective servo kind, the friction lock of the collective
stick may be automatically removed during this mode of operation. The pilot shall have full capability
to maneuver the aircraft within control forces and maneuver limits specified in Specification
Overpower - With the automatic flight control system engaged and operating,
it shall be possible to manually overpower or countermand the control action of the system in all
axes. The overpower requirements shall be in accordance with the requirements of Specification
Coordinated Turn - Unless otherwise specified in the system specification,
automatic turn coordination shall be operative for the airspeed range between 30 knots and the
maximum airspeed.
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