| ![]() MIL-C-18419A(SHIPS)
pressers of such design that they will operate over
a long period of years with a minimum of servicing.
Uniform Freight Classification Rules.
Where wear or corrosion is unavoidable the parts
(Application for copies should be addressed to the
subjected to such wear or corrosion shall be of the
best materials available for the purpose in order to
Official Classification Committee, 1 Park Avenue at
reduce these detrimental effects of a minimum.
33rd Street, New York 16, N.Y. )
The design and construction of all compressors
shall be the most compact consistent with the fol-
lowing requirements:
3.1 Basic design drawing approval. - Air com-
pressors furnished under this specification shall be
Accessibility for repair.
in accordance with the supplier's class C basic de-
Resistance to wear or corrosion.
sign drawings approved by the Bureau of Ships prior
to award of the contract or order for the class or,
if more than one, the classes respectively of air
Satisfactory operation when inclined as
compressors specified in the contract or order (see
(1) Up to 30 degrees in any direction, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3) provided that in the
(permanently inclined.)
event of any conflict or inconsistency between the
(2) With the ship rolling up to 60 de-
said drawings and the requirements of this specifi-
grees from the vertical to either
cation, the latter shall govern except to the extent
side, taking 8 seconds for a com-
provided in
plete cycle (with direction of
crankshaft in fore and aft posi-
3.2 Description. -
(3) With the ship pitching 10 degrees
3. 2.1 Each compressor shall be multistage, re-
up and down from the normal
ciprocating, vertical or horizontal design, with an
horizontal plane, taking 6 seconds
intercooler and moisture separator after each stage
for a complete cycle.
of compression. Compressors of all classes shall
(f) Quiet operation.
be satisfactory for lubrication by either phosphate
ester lubricant or petroleum oil without modifica-
(g) Minimum space and weight,
3.3. 1.1 The designer should take cognizance of
the conditions under which equipment will be main-
3. 2.2 Each compressor shall be driven by an
tained and repaired on shipboard, and of the fact
electric motor, either directly or through a suitable
that the personnel responsible for maintenance and
reduction gear. Special attention shall be given to
repair may not be seasoned mechanics. For
the design of reduction gears to insure satisfactory
example, parts should be so designed that it is
and quiet operation.
impossible to rcplace them in a wrong position;*
and adjacent studs should be of the same length, or
3. 2.3 A complete compressor unit shall consist
of large difference in lengths, so that a mistake will
of the compressor and motor mounted on a common
not easily occur; serrated surfaces should not be
bedplate, and shall include all necessary appurte-
used for accurate positioning unless specifically ap-
nances except that motor controller, pressure
proved by the bureau or agency concerned, since
switch and suction silencer may be separately
the serrations are easily damaged: large wrench
mounted. Safety features, including guards for all
areas should be avoided where strong wrenching
exposed moving parts, shall be incorporated in the
would cause damage.
design. When required by the contract or order to
be sound isolation mounted, a mounting arrange-
3.3. 1.2 To be in consonance with 3.3. l(g) the
ment shall be supplied in accordance with
dry weight of compressors with 440 volt (v. ) alter-
nating current (a. c. ) motors, less motor con-
3. 2.4 All classes of compressors under this
trollers, but including all other appurtenances,
specification shall have identical parts insofar as
shall not exceed 4000 pounds. The corresponding
possible, in order that parts may be interchangeable
weight with 230 v. direct current (d. c.) motors
between the several classes to the maximum possi-
shall not exceed 5000 pounds.
ble extent.
3.3. 1.3 Any exceptions to the design require-
3.3 General design. -
ments of this specification will be considered but
shall be subject to approval by the Bureau of Ships.
3. 3.1 The principle of reliability is paramount
Such exceptions shall be clearly indicated at the
and no compromise of this principle shall be made
time that the manufacturer submits basic design
with any other basic requirements of design. It is
(class C) drawings for approval (see
the intention of this specification to obtain air com -
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