| ![]() MIL-C-18419B(SHIPS)
5 pints capacity above the indicated low level. The
They shall be machined to receive the intermediate
cylinder lubrication system shall include the follow-
frames or housing, or may be integral therewith.
All top and bottom bearing surfaces shall be ma-
chine finished. Bedplates shall be sufficiently rigid
(a) Means for adjusting the delivery rate of
to permit handling, shipment, and installation of the
each individual cylinder over a wide
units onboard ship, without disturbing the alignment
range above and below the normal oper -
of the assembled units; and such that the normal dis-
ating flow rates for either phosphate
tortion, weaving or vibration of the supporting
ester or petroleum lubricant. The
structures onboard ships cannot cause misalignment
recommended maximum flow rates and
of compressors. See 3. 3.6.2 regarding sound iso-
range of flow rates for both lubricants
lation mounting.
shall be indicated on the drawings.
(b) A handwheel or crank for operating the
3.3.17 Housing. - The housing shall consist of
lubricator manually.
cast frames cast frames and forged steel tie rods,
(c) Visual and quantitative flow indication to
or a structural steel welded assembly which shall
each cylinder.
support the cylinders, The crankpits and the
(d) A check valve in each delivery line at the
housing shall be wholly enclosed to prevent the
splashing of oil. Access openings with covers shall
point where the line connects to the air
system. ,
be provided for observation and adjustment of the
bearings, and where necessary breather openings
(e) A check valve at each lubricator dis-
charge connection if necessary to prevent
fitted with screens shall be provided. The crank-
case vent or breather shall be piped to the com-
the lubricant from draining back to the
pressor suction.
lubricator reservoir after compressor
3.3.18 Air valves. - The air valves shall be of
(f) Means for checking oil level in lubricator
an efficient and durable design and shall be readily
accessible for inspection and overhaul without dis-
turbing air or water piping. The main lubrication system reservoir
and the cylinder lubricator reservoir shall each be
3.3.19 Cooling system. -
designed to be provided with a separate thermo-
statically controlled electric heater to insure ade- General design. - The compressor
quate flow of phosphate ester lubricant under low
shall be provided with an efficient water cooling
ambient temperatures. A minimum ambient tem-
system, including water jacketing for cylinders,
perature of 40 F. shall be assumed in the design.
intercoolers and after cooler. The temperature of
Heaters may be designed to operate from either a
air delivered from the after cooler shall not exceed
120 v. system or from the motor supply voltage.
125 F. under rated operating conditions.
The automatic heater controls shall be tied in with
the motor controller so as to prevent starting of the At any gasketed joint in the cooling
compressor before lubricant temperature will insure
water system where failure or leakage of a gasket
adequate flow.
or "O" ring would permit the entry of coolant into
the air stream or of compressed air into the cool- The electric heaters shall be pro-
ing system, a double seal, vented to atmosphere
vided and installed on the compressors only when
between the air seal and the coolant seal, shall be
specifically required (see 6. 1). The design shall be
such that the heaters, thermostats and other perti-
nent devices may be obtained from the compressor The cooling water outlet shall be
manufacturer in kit form and satisfactorily installed
provided with a water flow indicator of the "look-
by ships' forces without drilling holes or any other
through" type having an element which moves with
machine work. This shall be thoroughly delineated
flow, to permit observation of water flow and the
on drawings and in manuals. Drawings shall clearly
detection of air in the cooling system. The cooling
indicate parts included in the heater kits.
water outlet shall also be provided with a globe type
manually operated valve for controlling the rate of Consideration will be given to dele-
flow through the cooling system.
tion of the requirement of electric heating of the
cylinder lubricator reservoir providing the com- Provision shall be made for auto-
pressor manufacturer can demonstrate by actual
matically venting entrained air from pockets or
test that the compressor cylinders will be adequately
high points in the cooling motor jackets of cylinders,
lubricated with phosphate ester lubricant at 40 F.
cylinder heads and coolers. Provision shall also
temperature in the reservoir.
be made for completely draining all parts of the
3.3.16 Bedplates. - The bedplates shall be con-
circulating water system.
tinuous under the compressor and its driving unit..
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