| ![]() MIL-C-18419B(SHIPS)
rabbeted or tongue and groove Joints, or other suit-
cated in both running gear and cylinders with a
able means,
petroleum lubricant or a phosphate ester lubricant.
It shall be possible to convert from one type of
3.3.9 Air cylinders. - Air cylinders shall be
lubricant to the other without modifying any part of
provided with ample water jackets. So far as prac-
the compressor, and without modification or re-
ticable handholes shall be provided for access to the
placement of gaskets, "O" rings or packing.
jacket spaces, Cylinder liners shall be provided
and shall be held rigidly in place. All shoulders Petroleum lubricating oil shall be in
where piston rings may catch shall be avoided and
accordance with MI L-L-17331 or MIL-L-9000,
liners shall be properly beveled. Back off or Jack-
Phosphate ester lubricant shall be in accordance
ing screws shall be provided to assist in disassem-
with MIL-H-19457 but having an approximate -- -
bly at all gasketed Joints between air cylinders and
viscosity of 550 Saybolt Seconds Universal (SSU) at
between air cylinders and cylinder heads.
100" F. and 30, 000 SSU at 40 F.
3 . 3 . 1 0 Pistons.- Pistons speeds shall not ex- An adequate and self-contained lubri-
ceed 850 feet per minute (f. p. m. ). Step seal design
cating system of the forced feed type shall be pro-
piston rings shall not be used for rings below 4
vided for the crankpin bearings, gears and pinions
inches nominal diameter. When iron rings arc used
and [or the main bearings if not antifriction type.
with aluminum pistons, the aluminum shall be
A suitable oil sump or reservoir shall be provided,
hardened by anodyzing to prevent excessive ring
and the oil shall be drawn from the reservoir by
groove wear.
one or more pumps which are driven from the com-
pressor crankshaft or motor shaft, The arrange-
3.3.11 Connecting rods. - The crank end of con-
ment of reservoir and pumps shall be such that oil
necting rod shal l be arranged for renewal of crank-
will not be lost from the reservoir nor the pump
pin bearings and for such adjustment for bearing
lose suction due to roll or pitch of the ship. The
wear as may be necessary for the proper operation
reservoir shall be provided with suitable fittings
and maintenance of the compressor. Bolts and nuts
for filling and draining. The drain fitting shall be
for securing crankpin bearings shall be positively
arranged so that the reservoir can be completely
locked. Any takeup bolts and nuts shall be posi-
drained when the compressor base is level. An oil
tively locked. Upper end of connecting rods shall
level gage, marked to show' the high, low, and nor-
be of one-piece construction.
mal oil levels, shall be included. Gage glasses, if
used, shall be renewable without draining the oil
3.3.12 Crankshaft. - The crankshaft shall be a
from the reservoir.
single forging or casting, The cranks shall be ar-
ranged to give the best possible running balance. A full flow oil filter, preferably of a
Counterweights shall be fitted if necessary. The
self-cleaning type having an overpressure bypass,
design shall be such as to permit convenient use of
shall be installed in the pump discharge line to fil-
a portable tachometer.
ter out solid particles which might damage the com-
pressor. The filters shall not pass particles
3.3.13 Flywheels, - Each compressor shall be
larger than 40 microns. Suitable means shall be
equipped with a flywheel of sufficient size to provide
provided for regulating the pressure of the lubri-
smooth running of the compressor and motor, Fly-
cant. A device actuated by oil system pressure
wheels shall be keyed to the crankshaft and shall be
shall be provided to shut the compressor down in
pressed or securely clamped thereon. A separate
event the oil pressure is not sufficient for proper
flywheel will not be required if ample flywheel effect
compressor operation.
is otherwise provided. The temperature of lubricant in the
3.3.14 Bearings. -
crankcase shall not exceed 180" F. Oil coolers shall
be provided if necessary to prevent overtempera- Main bearings shall be replaceable and
ture. See 3. 3.15.7 for oil heating requirements.
may be of a rolling contact type in accordance with
MIL-B- 17931, or a sliding contact type, as approved Air cylinders shall be lubricated by
means of a mechanical forced feed lubricator me-
by the Bureau of Ships,
chanically driven from the compressor. The Crank pin bearings shall be precision
lubricator shall be provided with its own oil reser-
voir of sufficient capacity to supply cylinder lubri-
type replaceable bearings. All connecting rod bear-
ings and bushings shall be renewable.
cation for at least 8 hours of continuous operation
at the manufacturer's specified normal delivery
3.3.15 Lubrication. -
rate of the lubricator, but in no case of less than
3.3. 15.1 Each compressor shall satisfy the op-
erating conditions specified herein whether lubri-
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