| ![]() MIL-C-18419B(SHIPS)
in cooling water systems may be stainless steel,
3.3.26 Threaded parts. - All threaded parts
shall conform to Handbook H-28. Through bolting
class 316, in accordance with QQ-S-763.
should be used whenever possible; if not possible,
3.3.23 Air cleaner-silencers. - Provisions shall
then studs are preferred to tap bolts or capscrews,
be made for cleaning the inlet air and silencing the
3.3.27 Welding and allied processes. - Welding
inlet air noise. These functions may be performed
and allied processes shall be in accordance with
by a combination cleaner silencer, or by a separate
device for each function. Provision shall be made
MIL-STD-278. Welding of cast nodular iron parts
for replacement of cleaner elements, The inlet con-
is not acceptable,
nection shall be flanged for possible attachment of an
external pipe to conduct clean air to the compressor
3.3.28 Jacking device. - Suitable provision
from a remote location. These devices shall be as
shall be made for Jacking the compressor over if it
is impractical to turn the machine by hand,
compact as practicable consistent with effective
sound attenuation (see 3.3. 6) and filtration.
3.3.29 Painting - Ferrous castings and weld-
ments shall be cleaned by a sulfuric acid pickling
3.3.24 Relief valves. - Air relief valves shall
be of the soft seat type in accordance with MIL-V-
process and shot blasting (not sandblasting) to re-
move all scale, rust and loose weld beads, After
22549. A valve shall be installed on or after each
intercooler and aftercooler, in a location where the
machining, ferrous castings and weldments shall
air temperature does not exceed 180" F. Water re-
be treated by a manganese phosphate rust inhibiting
lief valves shall be in accordance with MI L-V-20065
process (Parkerizing or equal). After assembly,
except that inlet and outlet connections shall be
all surfaces to be painted shall be thoroughly
silver-brazing unions in accordance with ?vlTL-F-
cleaned and free from oil and grease. All external
1183, and their discharges shall be piped to a com-
nonworking ferrous and aluminum surfaces shall be
mon drain connection suitable for attachment to
painted with two coats of light gray epoxy hydraulic
ships piping. The manufacturer's piping shall be
fluid resistant paint conforming to MIL-P-22808.
sized so as not to affect the operation of the relief
Paint shall not be applied to any internal surface.
When desired for convenience or appearance, con-
tiguous non-ferrous surfaces may also be painted.
3.3.25 Piping. - All piping and fittings shall
conform to Drawing 5000 -S4800-3000 except as
3.3.30 Identification plates. -
modified herein. Unions or flanges shall be used
for compressor water connections to external ship- Identification plates shall be furnished
on each compressor and shall be type A, or D in
board piping systems. The unions and flanges shall
accordance with MI L-P- 15024, except that identi-
be in accordance with MI L-F-1183 and MIL-F-20042
fication plates of plastic or aluminum are not ac-
respectively. When space or weight savings can be
effected, terminal connections to compressor com-
ceptable. The plates shall be secured to equipment
ponent parts may have unions partially integrated
with corrosion resistant metallic fasteners.
with such parts, and may utilize the brazed or Identification plates shall contain data
welded ring and male union nut type of construction
as follows:
with soft copper gaskets. Tapered pipe thread con-
nections shall not be used except for fittings such as
Manufacturer's name.
plugs for core holes, or the dead ends of cross-
drilled passages, w hich are intended to keep open-
Manufacturer's model or type and size.
ings permanently closed. Terminals and joints of
Manufacturer's serial number,
small tubing lines mounted on the compressor shall
be straight thread flareless fittings conforming to
Salient design characteristics:
(1) Capacity
MIL-F-21467 except that working pressures above
(2) Pressure in p.s.i.
3000 p. s. i. will be permitted in the 1/4 inch outside
(3) Speed of shaft in revolutions per
diameter (o. d. ) size only, and except that flared
minute (r. p. m. ).
type fittings may be used in salt water lines. The
(4) Brake hp.
final discharge air connection to the ship's piping
(5) Working pressures of each stage,
shall be a union connection in accordance with Draw-
ing 810-1385884 with socket welding tail piece. All
Lubricating oil pressure
piping shall be designed and arranged to permit
Any other data vital to the unit,
(f) Contract-number (and item number for
maximum accessibility to compressor parts re-
quiring periodic inspections or repair. All silver
multiple unit orders),
brazed piping connections shall conform to
(g) Federal stock number.
(h) Section for inspector's stamp.
NAVSHIPS 250-637-2; for connections 1/2 inch
nominal size and larger preinserted brazing rings
shall be used.
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