| ![]() MIL-C-18419B(SHIPS)
oil, with compressed air having entrained oil or oil Each driving unit and each major ac-
cessory unit shall have an identification plate in
vapors, or with moisture condensate containing
particulate or emulsified oil, shaIl be of a material
accordance with the applicable equipment specifi-
dually compatible with both petroleum lubricants
and phosphate ester type lubricants.
3.4 Materials. -
3.5 Electrical equipment. -
3.4.1 For the materials of construction of
3.5, 1 Motors. - All motors shall be in accord-
major parts of the compressors covered by this
ance with MIL-M-17413 for d. c. motors, or MI L-
specification see table I of 6.3. This table lists a
number of materials which are considered adequate
M- 17060 for a. c. motors, and the following:
for certain critical applications. However, this
specification is not intended to be restrictive pro-
(a) Service
Navy A.
vided proposed alternate materials will give equal
(b) Voltage and current -
or better service, and Bureau of Ships approval is
characteristics . . . . . as specified in
obtained prior to offering equipment in response to
the contract or
invitations for bids. Manufacturers are urged to
(c) Enclosure . . . . . . . . . Dripproof pro-
make use of class C drawings (basic design draw-
ings) to obtain approval of any desired alternate
tected to 45 de-
materials (see
grees inclina-
tion. Table I shall be followed in accordance
(d) Ambient temperature. ,
( c ) Duty
with the following:
Continuous (for
exception see
(a) Where material specifications are listed
3.3.4,1.1) 4
(f) Speed
in table I the selected specification, or
the approved alternate, shall be used and
A. c. squirrel
(g) Winding
cage induction,
shall be indicated on the drawings.
(b) Where material specifications are not
D. c stabilized
listed for specific items in table I, the
material shown or its approved alternate
(h) Insulation
Class A Or B.
(i) Bearings
shall be used and shall be indicated on
the drawings. The material shall be of The hp. rating of each motor shall be
a commercial grade or specification
in accordance with the motor ratings, but not less
satisfactory for the application,
than 1.05 times the brake hp. of the driven com-
(c) Material selection for items or parts not
pressor under rated conditions of capacity and
listed in table I or for items not limited
pressure. Intermediate hp. ratings shall be con-
or defined by requirements contained
sidered for motors built integrally with the com-
elsewhere in this specification shall be
pressors. Compressor balancing rings are not
the responsibility of the manufacturer
required for motors built integrally with the
and shall be suitable for the service
required. The material selected shall
3. 5.1.2 Direct current Submarine applications. -
be shown on the drawings,
(d) Material specifications for items covered
D. c. motors for submarine application shall be
by 3. 4.1.1 (b) and (c) shall be shown on
suitable for the varying voltage specified in the
the drawings for information only; and
contract or order. These motors shall be com-
the drawings shall indicate by note that
pound wound and shall have adjustable varying
the referenced specifications for these
speed characteristics.
items will not necessarily be followed.
3. 5.1. 2.1 The following duty ratings shall apply:
Physical and chemical test records are
not required.
142 percent of nominal Full-field
4 hours
3.4.2 All internal ferrous parts in the com-
100 percent of nominal Rated full-load
pressed air path shall be corrosion resistant mate-
80 percent of nominal Rated full-load
30 minutes
rial or shall be given a corrosion resistance treat-
10 minutes
percent of nominal
ment as approved by the Bureau of Ships. This
treatment shall be completely described on the
drawings. Cast gray iron shall not be used except
The speed at 70 percent of nominal voltage, with
for cylinder liners, pistons and piston rings.
the field rheostat setting as required for rated
3.4.3 All gaskets, "O" rings, packing, or other
full-load speed at 80 percent of nominal voltage,
non-metallic parts coming in contact with lubricating
shall be shown on the motor drawings.
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