| ![]() MIL-C-18419B(SHIPS) Cooling system valves and unloading
a device essential for this application, If a field ac-
valves if electrically operated shall conform to all
celerating relay is provided, the voltage range over
which the motor is required to start shall be fully
the applicable requirements for controllers as
specified in 3.5.2, except that enclosures shall be
considered in designing the relay coils.
watertight (or better), Valves shall be tight-seated Special attention shall be given to
and all internal parts in contact with water shall be
keeping weight and size to a minimum. To this end
non-ferrous material except where ferrous parts
the number of accelerating steps shall be kept to a
are necessary for the magnetic circuit, and such
parts shall be suitably nickel-p]ated for protection
minimum. Stock sizes of controller enclosures
against corrosion. Cooling system valves shall be
which are larger than necessary for the equipment
shall not be used.
provided with a means of manually opening the valves
in case of coil failures.
3.6 Repair parts and tools. - Submarine direct current applications. -
D.c. controllers for submarine application shall be
3.6.1 Onboard. - Each set of repair parts and
suitable for starting and controlling the motors at all
voltages within the varying voltage range specified
tools required by the contract or order shall contain
the parts listed in Table II, plus any add it ional parts
(see 3.5.1. 2). Operation shall be semi-automat]c,
with remote push button stations, one with "START"
or tools considered by the bureau or agency con-
and "STOP" buttons, and one "STOP" button only.
cerned or by the manufacturer, to be essential in
A pressure.switch shall be provided for over pres -
successful servicing of the compressors unless
otherwise specified in the contract or order the
sure shut down only.
quantity of repair parts per set shall be based on A field accelerating relay shall be pro-
one compressor per ship (that is one compressor
per set of repair parts).
vided only if the motor manufacturer considers such
Table II - Onboard repair parts.
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