| ![]() MIL-C-18419B(SHIPS)
the Bureau of Ships. The compressor shall be left
4.5.2 Capacity test methods. -
unassembled pending a decision of the Bureau of
Sh ips . The preferred method for determining
compressor capacity is by the high-pressure flask If no serious wear or other deficiencies
method, by noting the time required to fill a flask of
are noted, these facts shall also be immediately
known volume from zero gage pressure to the rated
communicated to the Inspector of Naval Material
discharge pressure of the compressor. During the
and the Bureau of Ships for information. The com-
time interval required to fill the flasks the compres-
pressor shall be cleaned up, worn parts shall be
sor discharge pressure shall be maintained constant
replaced, and the compressor prepared for ship-
at the rated discharge pressure. The calibration of
ment in accordance with requirements of the con-
the flask volume shall be made in the presence of the
Government inspector. Within 30 days after successful comple -, 1 At the option of the compressor manu-
tion of the preproduction tests copies of a complete
facturer or testing laboratory, the compressor
test report including all recorded data shall be dis -
capacity tests may be in accordance with the ASME
tributed as follows:
Power Test Code (PTC9-1954) as outlined in the sec-
ond edition of the Compressed Air Handbook.
(a) Two to the Bureau of Ships (attention
Code 649).
4.5.3 Test procedures. -
(b) Two to the purchasing activity (if other
than the Bureau of Ships). Electrical .- Motors and controllers
(c) One to the primary inspection of ficer.
shall be tested as required by the applicable specifi -
(d) One to the branch inspection office (if
any). Sampling .- Completely assembled com-
4.4.2, 6.1 Bureau of Ships approval of the test
pressors, including driving units, temperature con-
trols, unloading valves, automatic separator drain
report shall be obtained prior to delivery of any air
equipment and all other equipment and fittings shall
compressor of a class covered by the test. A period
be selected for testing in accordance with table III.
of 30 days, after receipt in the Bureau of Ships,
shall be allowed for the Bureau of Ships action.
4.5 Tests of production compressors. -
Table III - Sampling for performance tests.
4.5.1 Hydrostatic and silver brazed Joint tests. - Hydrostatic. - The various parts of
each compressor shall be hydrostatically tested in
accordance with the following:
(a) Cylinders, 1-1/2 times the maximum
designed working pressure.
(b) Water jackets, 265 p.s. lg. for surface
ships, 100 p.s. i.g. for submarines.
(c) Intercoolers, and aftercoolers, 265 Performance tests. - Compressor units
p.s. i.g. for surface ships; 100 p.s. i.g.
selected in accordance with table III shall be sub-
for submarines, on the water side and
mitted to a continuous running test of 8 hours duration
1-1/2 times the maximum design work-
at normal capacity and pressure. Test is to be run
ing pressure on the air side.
under normal electrical conditions specified in the
(a) Piping and other parts not mentioned
contract or order. Either phosphate ester or petro-
herein and subjected to pressure shall
leum lubrication may be used during these tests unless
be tested to 1-1/2 times the maximum
a specific requirement is included in the contract or
designed working pressure.
order. Power consumption tests shall be conducted
as a part of the tests. For these tests the data speci- Silver-brazed joints, - All silver-
brazed joints in oil, air and salt water piping shall
fled in shall be recorded at the start and
be tested as required by NAVSHIPS 250-648-8.
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