| ![]() MIL-C-18419B(SHIPS)
4.2.2 Inspect Ion during manufacture, - The con- A successful preproduction test per-
actor shall establish and maintain inspection at
formed under one contract will not have to be repeated
ppropriately located points in the manufacturing
under a subsequent contract unless a deficiency in
recess beginning with the receipt of raw materials
dcsign or workmanship develops with a compressor
nd subcontracted parts through final testing and
m service, or unless a modification in design is con-
reparation for shipment of completed units, to
sidered by the Bureau of Ships to be extensive enough
ssure continuous control of quality of parts, com -
to warrant retest.
onents and assembles. A successful preproduction test of a
4.2.3 The contractor shall provide and maintain
class AA compressor will be considered as covering
ages, Instruments and other measuring and testing
this requirement for all other classes. Similarly a
quipment and devices necessary to assure that sup-
successful test of a class A compressor will\ be con-
lies conform to contract requirements. These
sidered as covering the requirement for a class B
evices shall be calibrated against measurement
compressor, however a test of a class A or class B
tandards or designated measuring equipment at
compressor will not be considered as covering class
stablished periods to assure continued accuracy.
AA or class BB compressors.
`he contractor shall prepare and maintain a Written
chedule for the maintenance and calibration of such All air compressors subjected to prepro-
quipment based on the type, purpose and degree of
duction tests shall be sound isolation mounted even
though the production compressors under the partic -
ular contract are not required to be sound isolation All instruments used in preproduction
and performance tests shall be calibrated before
and after tests.
4.4.2 The preproduction tests shall include initial
performance tests required by 4.5 followed by a run-
4.3 Inspection of material. -
ning test of not less than 500 hours of actual running
time. The 500 hours running time shall not be con-
4. 3.1 Materials used in the compressors and
tinuous, but shall include at least G rest periods of
accessories and identified on approved drawings by
not less than 8 hours each,
Federal and Military specifications listed in Table I
or elsewhere in this specification shrill be subjected All data required by 4. 5.3 shall be taken
o inspection requirements of the applicable speci-
and recorded at the beginning and end of each running
ication by which identified.
period, and at intervals of 4 hours or less during the
running times.
4.3.2 Materials used in the compressors and
accessories which are identified on approved draw- The first 300 hours of runni ng time shall
ings by Industry and Technical Society specifications
be with phosphate ester lubricant in both cylinders
or standards shall be subjected to inspection require -
and running gear. Upon complet ion of this portion of
ments of the applicable specification or standard by
the test the compressor shall be disassembled suffi-
which identified,
ciently to permit inspection as required by 4. 5. 3, 6.
The compressor shall be thoroughly cleaned of the
4.3.3 The contractor shall establish a system
phosphate-ester lubricant and then filled with petro-
of inspection and identification to insure that speci-
leum oil in both cylinders and running gear.
fied and approved materials are used in accordance
with approved drawings. The last 200 hours of running time shall
be with the petroleum lubricant. Any changes or Upon request of the Government inspec -
adjustments made at this time in the comp I essor,
tor, the contractor shall furnish samples of mate-
such as change in cylinder lubrication rate, shall be
rials and available information concerning their
completely described in the test report. Following
quality and use. When the identity or quality of an
the completion of this portion of the test the machine
item is m doubt, and in the absence of valid and
shall again be disassembled sufficiently to permit
acceptable test data, the contractor shall conduct
inspection as required by Changes in
such tests as are necessary to determine or verify
appearance or physical condition of parts from the
its identity or quality,
previous inspection shall be noted and described in
the test report. Note and comment on the accumula-
4.4 Preproduction tests. -
tion of carbon deposits on air valves and in coolers.
4.4.1 Prior to the offering of any air compres- If any serious wear or other deficiencies
sor for acceptance by the Government an air com-
are noted, which would necessitate replacement of
pressor of the class offered shall have successfully
parts or overhaul of the compressor in less than 1000
undergone preproduction tests as described herein-
hours of operation, these facts shall be immediately
after, except as follows:
communicated to the Inspector of Naval Material and
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