| ![]() MIL-C-18419B(SHIPS)
unless excessive heating, noise, vibra- Consideration will be given to waiving the
tion, or erratic performance is noted
shock test requirement on a compressor unit provid-
ing that compressor and motor is of the same basic
during the tests.
design as that of another class which has successfully If excessive heating, noise, vibration,
passed the shock test. The decision as to whether a
or erratic performance is noted and is corrected,
shock test will be waived shall rest with the Bureau
the 4-hour test shall be repeated. If the frost cor-
of Ships.
rection does not completely eliminate the trouble, If a manufacturer is unable to conduct the
then after further correction the compressor shall
be subjected to a complete 8-hour test before being
shock tests at his own plant, he may arrange to have
them conducted at a commercial or Government lab-
offered for acceptance.
oratory suitably equipped to conduct the tests. When All recorded data and computations
the shock tests are to be conducted at a Government
required for the 8-hour test are also required for
laboratory a complete set of master and outline draw-
the 4-hour test.
ings shall accompany the equipment. Inclined operation. - One compressor The compressor shall be idle and running
unit. of each design, including the driving motors,
on alternate Mows of the shock test, but the compres-
shall be selected for tests to determine satisfactory
sor shall not be compressing air while running.
compliance with 3. 3.1 (e). Inclined operation tests
shall be without resil nt mounts. Inspection after shock test. - Only one compressor of each design Motor .- Inspection of the motor shall
shall be subjected to the inclination tests, and the
be in accordance with MIL-M-17060 or MIL-M- 17413.
tests need not he repeated on later contracts or Compressor .- Inspection of the comp-
orders unless the Government inspector or the
Bureau of Ships considers that sufficient changes
ressor shall be conducted as follows:
have been made from the tested design to warrant
ret esting, Neither changes in material only of com-
(a) Examine the unit carefully and note the
pressor construction, nor changes in the driving
extent of any external damage.
motor shall be considered as reasons for retesting.
(b) Jack the compressor over several times
by hand to insure that all working parts The compressor unit shall be oper-
are free and ready for starting.
ated at rated load for not less than 30 minutes with
(c) Run the compressor unloaded for a short
the base tilted 30 degrees in each of the four cardi-
time and note any mechanical peculiari -
nal positions, right, left, front, and rear. During
the progress of these tests there shall be no exces -
(d) Gradually build up the load and carefully
sive heating of any parts, and noise and vibration
check any undue noises or excessive
shall not exceed that of normal horizontal operation.
vibration or other nonconformances.
(e) Secure the compressor and disassemble The suitability of the compressor unit
for complete inspection. Observe and
record all effects of the shock test on the
for operation when a ship is rolling or pitching shall
be determined by inspection of the design,
various compressor components,
4.5.4 High-impact shock test. - One compres- Failure to pass test. -
sor unit including driving motor, of each design,
shall be shock tested in accordance with MIL-S-901
for grade III equipment. Shock tests shall be with- Motor .- The motor will be considered
out resilient mounts.
to have failed the shock test unless it conforms to
MIL-M-17060 or MIL-M-17413. only one compressor of each design
shall be subjected to the shock tests, and the tests Compressor. - The compressor will
need not be repeated on later contracts or orders
be considered to have failed the shock test in the event'
unless the government inspector or the Bureau of
of the following:
Sh ps concerned considers that sufficient changes
have been made from the tested design to warrant
(a) Breakage of any parts, including accessor-
retesting. Changes in materials of construction
ies and mounting bolts.
may require retesting. Changes in the driving
(b) Detachment of any part or object from the
motor only shall not. be considered a reason for
retestin g the compressor however changes in the
(c) compressor requires attention or adjust-
motor will require retesting of the motor.
ment or replacement of parts to enable
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