| ![]() MIL-C-18419B(SHIPS)
6.2.2 It is anticipated that the Bureau of Ships
designs as to warrant canceling any class C draw-
ing approval(s) previously granted for any class or
will require approximately 30 days after receipt of
drawings to take approval action, but a longer time
classes of compressors, If so, it will notify sup-
may be required if the drawings need revision or
pliers concerned in writing of such cancellation and
such suppliers may, and are urged to, submit for
correction in order to be approved. This applies
approval new class C basic design drawings, or
to each drawing submission, except that approval
action on a relatively minor revision to a previously
revisions to the formerly approved class C drawings,
approved class C drawing may require less than 30
for the class or classes of compressors involved.
If no notification of cancellation is given, any basic
days. However, the Bureau of Ships cannot and does
design approval granted prior to the change or
not undertake that it will take approval action in time
amendment is automatically extended under this
to make a supplier eligible for any particular pro-
specification as changed or amended. ` Approval of
curement or purchase of air compressors under this
new or revised class C drawings shall be effective
only with respect to contracts and orders awarded
6.3 Table of compressor materials. -
subsequent to such approvals. Conditional approvals
of class C basic design drawings or revisions thereto
Table I - Compressor materials
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