| ![]() MIL-C-18410B(SHI PS)
NOTES Preservation and packaging -
6.1 Ordering data. - Procurement documents Compressors. -
should specify the following: Level A.- Compressors shall be
(a) Title, number and date of this specifi-
preserved and packaged in accordance with the level
A requirements of MI L-C-3600.
(b) Class required (see 1.2).
(c) Whether compressors shall include a Level C.- Preservation and pack-
supporting structure for sound isolation
aging of compressors shall be sufficient to afford
mounts (see
adequate protection against, corrosion, deteriora -
Whether electric lube oil heaters are re-
tion and physical damage during shipment from the
supply source to the using activity and until `early
quired (see
(e) Quantity of compressors per ship on which
basis the quantity of onboard repair
parts in a set shall be determined (see Repair parts. - Repair parts shall
be preserved and packaged in accordance with the
(f) Whether additional copies of manuals arc
level A requirements of MIL-R- 196, and MIL-E-
required (see 3.8. 3).
17555 as applicable
(g) Preservation, packaging or marking re-
quirements other than those required by
Packing -
---- --
5.1 (see 5.2).
(h) Whether repair parts boxes are required, Compressors. -
if required specify type (metal or wood)
(i) Award will be made only for air compres - 1 Level A.- Compressors shall be
sors for which class C basic design
packed for shipment in accordance with the over-
drawings have been approved by the Bu-
seas requirements of MI L-C-3600, except that
reau 01 Ships prior to the time set for
plot pack tests are not required
opening of bids. Bidders should furnish
with their bids a statement identifying Level B. - Compressors shall be
by number the applicable, approved
packed for shipment in accordance with the over-
class C basic design drawings and identi-
seas requirements of MI L-C-3600 except that pilot
fying the letter or other action by the
pack te sts are not required, and except that shipping
Bureau of Ships approving such draw -
containers shall be of the domestic type or class.
ings. (In the foregoing, for "bids" sub-
stitute "proposals" or "quotations" and Repair parts. - Repair parts shall
for "'bidders" substitute "offerors" or
be packed level A or B as specified in accordance
"suppliers", where appropriate. )
with the applicable preservation and packaging
specification (see 5. 2.1 1. 2). Unless otherwise
6.2 Prospective suppliers arc urged to submit
specified in the contract or order, repair parts
shall be packed separately and shipped concurrently
to the Bureau of Ships, Code 649, class C basic de-
sign drawings of air compressors they propose to
with the basic equipment
offer under this specification for Navy Shipboard
use in order to become eligible for award of con -
5 .2 1.3 Equipment manuals. - Service manuals
tracts and orders for such compressors
shall be packaged level A or C and packed level A,
B or C as specified in the contract or order in ac -
6.2.1 If a supplier, who has an approved class
cordance with MIL-M - 15071.
C basic design drawing for one or more of the dif -
ferent classes of air compressors covered by this Draw ngs. - Drawin gs shall be pack-
specification, desires to make any changes or re-
A, B or C as
visions in his basic design for such class or classes
specified in the contract or order in accordance
of air compressors, he must submit new class C
with MIL-D-963.
drawings or revision(s) to his previously approved
class C basic design drawings, as appropriate, for Marking - In addition to any special
approval. In the event a change or amendment to
marking required by the contract or order, interior
this specification is made, the Bureau of Ships will
packages and exterior shipping containers shall be
determine whether it is of such significance to basic
marked in accordance with MIL-STD-129.
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