| ![]() MIL-C-19087A(OS) When one pair of contacts just closes, the other pair
shall meet, or be open not more than 1/32 inch. When the contacts first meet, the line of contact shall
be within 9/32 inch of the toe end of the contact.
As the armature seals in, the moving contacts shall rock. When the armature is tight against the pole face, the line
of contact shall be 1/4 1/8 inch from the heel end of each pair of con-
tacts. Insulation The insulation used in the contractors shall be of such class
that the flow of heat will not destroy any portion of the contactor within
the operating life as set forth in 3.4.5. Insulating materials falling under the commercial designation
of "Silicones" are not acceptable due to the deleterious effect of silicone
vapors on commutating machinery. Insulation resistance. At the time of manufacture, the con-
tactor shall have a minimum insulation resistance of 100 megohms, at am-
bient temperature, and a minimum of one megohm resistance at 100C 10C
(212F 18F), measured between open contacts and between closed contacts
and the contactor frame (ground), and between the coil and the frame. Overpotential. The contractors shall withstand, without break-
down, an alternating current (ac) voltage (hi-pot test) of 1150 50 volts
root mean square (rms) minimum, at 60 Hertz (Hz) applied for 60 6 seconds
between all current carrying parts (including the coil) and the frame of
the contactor.
3.4.2 Series contactor function. When mounted in the operating posi-
tion with the base vertical and the contacts uppermost: The contactor shall be capable of connecting a battery having
an open circuit voltage of 110 volts nominal directly across a series
motor so that the peak starting current is 2000 200 amperes (amps), fal-
ling approximately exponentially to 525 25 amps in 1.6 0.8 seconds. After starting the motor, the contactor shall carry a current
of 525 25 amps (at 80 volts nominal) for at least 20 minutes without ex-
ceeding a temperature rise of 125C (257F) in the current carrying parts.
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