| ![]() MIL-C-19087A(OS) With the arc shield in place, the contactor shall be capable
of interrupting the motor current of 525 25 amps at 80 volts minimum.
All arcing shall occur at the toe of the contacts so that repeated cycles
of the contactor will not be adversely affected.
3.4.3 Paralleling contactor function. When mounted in the operating
position with the base vertical and the contacts uppermost: Each section of the contactor shall be capable of connecting,
a battery having an open circuit voltage of 55 volts nominal directly
across a series motor so-that the peak starting current is 800 200 amps,
falling approximately exponentially to 165 16 amps in 3 1.5 seconds. After starting the motor, each section of the contactor shall
carry a current of 165 15 amps (at 40 volts nominal) for at least 60
minutes without exceeding a temperature rise of 125C (257F) in the cur-
rent carrrying parts. With the arc shield in place, the contactor shall be capable.
of interrupting the motor current of 165 15 amps at 40 volts minimum.
All arcing shall occur at the toe of the contacts so that repeated cycles
of the contactor will not be adversely affected.
3.4.4 Duty cycle. A duty cycle shall consist of the operations set,
forth in 3.4.2 for the series contactor and 3.4.3 for the paralleling
contactor in the sequence given.
3.4.5 Operati ng life. The operating life of both the series and par-
alleling contractors shall consist of at least 200 duty cycles as set forth
in 3.4.4.
3.5 Environmental requirements. The contractors shall meet the other
applicable requirements of this specification during or after the tests
defined or specified in 4.5.
3.5.1 Vibration. The contractors shall meet the following vibration
requirements: Vibration, nonoperating. The contractors shall show no damage
and shall meet all the performance requirements and product characteristics
of this specification after being tested as in Vibration, operating. The contractors shall show no damage and
shall meet all the performance requirements and product characteristics
of this specification during and after the test specified in
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