| ![]() MIL-C-21049F
workmanship, components, and materials to be used during production. When a
manufacturer is in continuous production of these units from contract to contract,
submission of further first article samples on new contract may be waived at the
discretion of the acquiring activity (see 6.2e). Approval of the first article
samples or the waiving of first article inspection does not preclude the
requirements of submitting to the quality conformance inspection. The first
article inspection samples shall be furnished to the Government as directed by the
contracting officer (see 6.2f). First article information. Upon completion of the first article
inspection, the Government activity responsible for conducting this inspection
program (see 6.2f) shall report to the contracting officer the results of the
inspection program, with appropriate recommendation.
. Disposition of samples. Upon completion of the first article
inspection program, disposition of samples shall be as follows:
One approved sample shall be returned to the manufacturer for use in
monitoring production.
One sample shall not be returned due to their having been destroyed
during the test program. "
4.5 Quality conformance inspection. Quality conformance inspection shall
consist of the examinations and tests specified in Table IV. The sampling and
inspection levels and acceptance criteria shall conform to MIL-STD-105.
4.5.1 Sampling. Inspection lot.
* Coupling assembly. An inspection lot size shall be expressed in
units of coupling assenmblies or coupling halves made essentially under the same
conditions and from the same materials and components. The sample unit shall be
one coupling assembly or coupling halve. Packaging. An inspection lot size shall be expressed in units of
one fully prepared shipping container, containing couplings fully prepared for
delivery, made from essentially the same materials and components. The sample
unit shall be one shipping container, containing couplings fully prepared for
delivery with the exception that it need not be sealed. Sampling for tests and examinations of the coupling assemblies. The
sample size, acceptance criteria, tests, and examinations required for the
coupling assemblies shall be as specified in Table IV.
4.6 Test conditions.
4.6.1 Oxygen. Oxygen used in testing the couplings shall be oxygen
conforming to type I or type II, as applicable, of MIL-O-27210.
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