| ![]() MIL-C-21049F
4.6.2 Temperature and pressure. Unless otherwise specified, tests shall be
conducted at local ambient temperature and barometric pressure. The temperature
and barometric pressure shall be recorded at the time of inspection. This
information shall be available for computation of test data, where required, to
normal temperature and pressure (NTP) conditions. NTP conditions are 29.92 inches
of mercury and 70 F. Test instruments shall be calibrated or adjusted according
to their required usage in conducting individual tests.
4.7 Inspection methods.
4.7.1 Visual examination. Coupling assembly. Every coupling assembly shall be examined
visually for defects to determine conformance to this specification. The
classification of defects, Table V, shall be used to classify the defects found. Dimensions. The couplings shall be checked dimensionally to
determine conformance to the dimensions specified in MS22068 and the automatic
locking of the locking device when the type I coupling halves are connected. when
measuring the travel of the lock sleeve, a constant angle shall be maintained
between the diametrical plane of the lock sleeve and the longitudinal centerline
of the coupling. Packaging. Each of the fully prepared shipping containers,
containing couplings selected as a sample unit from the lot shall be examined to
determined that the packaging, packing and marking conform to this specification.
The classification of defects, Table VI shall be used to classify the defects
4.7.2 Interchangeability. Type I. The type I female coupling half shall be connected to each
type I male coupling half that has been approved for listing on the Qualified
Products List (QPL). Each coupling assembly shall then be subjected to the
following tests:
Leakage, type I (4.7.5)
Torque, type I (
Pressure drop, type I (4.7.6)
Locking device, type I (4.7.4)
The above procedure shall then be repeated using the type I male coupling half
with the female coupling halves that have been approved for listing on the QPL.
Each combination coupling assembly shall pass the requirements specified in Type II. The type II female coupling half shall be connected to each
type II male coupling half that has been approved for listing on the Qualified
Products List (QPL). Each coupling assembly shall then be subjected to the torque
type II test ( The above procedure shall then be repeated using the type
II male coupling half with the female coupling halves that have been approved for
listing on the QPL. Each combination coupling assembly shall pass the
requirements specified in
4.7.3 Torque.
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