| ![]() MIL-C-21679(NOrd) Verge adjustment. - The verge shall be adjusted
to provide the same amount of drop between the corner of the
incoming pallet and the escape wheel tooth as there is be-
tween the corner of the departing pallet and the escape wheel
tooth. Adjustment and testing shall be as specified in Locking and starting. - The mechanism shall op-
erate when the stop lever is depressed by a force not greater
than 2 1/4 pounds. The mechanism shall operate when the
stop lever is 0.095 inch from the bottom plate and shall stop
when the stop lever is 0.200 inch from the bottom plate. Test-
ing and measuring shall be as specified in Timing. - With the clock in any position, the two
switches shall have the following timing sequence as tested
at the end of the clock cable.
(a) Switch A shall close in 60 minutes 10 percent and
shall open 4 2 minutes later.
(b) Switch C shall close in 170 minutes 10 percent.
The over-run time of the mechanism after the operation
of the
last switch shall be not less than 18 minutes. Switch
C shall
remain closed and switch A shall remain open after the
ism has run down. Compliance with timing requirements
be determined as specified in
Environmental requirements.
3.3.1 Temperature. - Mechanisms covered by this speci-
fication shall be subjected to temperature conditions, for
storage and operation, and tested as specified in 4.7.1.
Thereafter, the mechanism shall meet all performance require-
ments and product characteristics of this specification.
3.3.2 Vibration. - Mechanisms covered by this specifi-
cation shall be mounted and vibrated as specified in 4.7.2
and thereafter shall show no damage and shall meet all per-
formance requirements and product characteristics of this
3.3.3 Mechanical shock. - Mechanisms covered by this
specification shall be subjected to the shock test as speci-
fied in 4.7.3, and thereafter shall show no damage and shall
meet all performance requirements and product characteristics
of this specification.
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