| ![]() MIL-C-21679(NOrd)
3.4 Workmanship and cleanliness. - The mechanisms shall
be free from dust, dirt, metal filings, moisture, solder
splashes, chips, and other foreign matter. Necessary prec-
autions shall be taken during manufacture and assembly to
insure these conditions.
4.1 Government inspection. - The Government inspector
will make such inspections as are necessary to determine
that all components and assemblies are in accordance with
the requirements of the contract, pertinent specifications
and drawings. Unless otherwise specified, these inspections
will be conducted in accordance with instructions contained
in OP 400.
401.1 Sampling. - Unless otherwise specified, and when
applicable , the sampling plans and procedures used by the
Government inspector in the determination of the accept-
ability of products submitted by a supplier for Government
inspection will be in accordance with the provisions of
4.1.2 Preproduction sample. - Unless otherwise speci-
fied for each contract or order, a representative sample of
24 mechanisms shall be manufactured using the methods and
procedures proposed for full production. The Government in-
spector shall perform, witness or participate in such in-
spections and tests on the samples as are required for full
production. Upon conditional acceptance by the inspector,
the preproduction sample shall be forwarded, together with
a report of inspection, to an activity designated in the con-
tract or by the procuring agency, for the purpose of deter-
mining compliance with the requirements of the contract,
specifications and drawings. Further production of the item
by the contractor prior to approval of the contracting
activity or the completion of the tests on preproduction
samples shall be at the contractor's risk. Preproduction
samples accepted will be applied as part of the quantity
specified by the contract or order. Preproduction sample for a subsequent contract.
The necessity for a preproduction sample will be determined
by the procuring agency when production under a new contract
by the same contractor at the same location follows the
manufacture of satisfactory material as covered by this
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