| ![]() MIL-C-21679(NOrd)
4.3.2 Preproduction and periodic production tests. -
Preproduction and periodic production tests are those per-
formed on samples submitted in accordance with 4.1.2 and
4.1.4 to determine that the lot and production meet all the
requirements of this specification. Acceptance shall be
based on no defects in a sample. Acceptable preproduction
and periodic production sample units, shall not be released
for service use and shall be stamped or marked as follows:
"Sample - Not for service Use".
Test equipment.
4.4.1 Test and inspection equipment and facilities. -
Unless otherwise specified. the manufacturer shall furnish
and maintain all necessary test equipment, facilities and
personnel for performing all acceptance tests under the
supervision of the Government inspector The test equipment
shall be adequate in quantity, and unless definite require-
ments are specified, they shall be of sufficient accuracy
and quality to permit performance of the required accept-
ance tests. Equipment required for performing the electri-
cal tests is as follows:
(a) Test Set Mark 95 Mod 1 or megohmmeter - 500 volts
d-c range 10.0-100 megohms, accuracy within 10 percent.
(b) One (1) four channel graphic recorder, chart speed
accuracy within 1.0 percent.
(c) One (1) ohmmeter , range 0-1 ohm, accuracy within
5 percent.
4.5 Test condition. - Unless otherwise specified, tests
shall be performed at 80 15 F and ambient relative hum-
4.6 Acceptance tests. - Unless otherwise specified,
the manufacturer shall devise procedures and methods satis-
factory to the Bureau of Ordnance for conducting the accept-
ance tests specified herein- The right is reserved by the
Bureau of Ordnance or the Government inspector to modify the
tests or require any additional tests deemed necessary to
determine compliance with the requirements of this specifi-
cation, the drawings, or the contract.
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