| ![]() 4.1.3 Lot, - As applied to the Government inspection
of units of product, the term "lot" shall mean "inspection
lot", i.e. a collection of units of the product used as a
basis for Government inspection. Unless otherwise specified,
the number of units of product in "Inspection lots" shall be
as determined by the Government inspector, and may differ
from the quantity designated in the contract or order as a
lot for production, shipment, or other purpose.
4.1.4 Periodic production samples. - Unless otherwise
specified in the contract or order, from each five hundred
(500) successively produced mechanisms, a random sample of
three (3) mechanisms will be selected by the Government in-
spector for submission to a Bureau of Ordnance assigned act-
ivity to determine compliance with the requirements of the
contract specification and drawings. For less than' five
hundred (500) successively produced mechanisms the sample
size shall be in accordance with standard MIL-STD-105 Appendix,
Inspection Level L-4. The mechanism will be considered satis -
factory if the mechanism meets all specifications and perti-
nent drawing requirements, and withstands the tests as speci-
fied in 4.6 and 4.7 inclusive. The failure. of a mechanism to
comply with any of the environmental test requirements shall
result in the cessation of Government inspection until the
manufacturer has corrected all deficiencies in the production
process. At the discretion of the procuring activity such a
failure may result in the rejection of the material repre-
sented. The manufacturer may resubmit rejected lots, sub-
sequent to the completion of satisfactory corrective action
as determined by the procuring activity.
4.2 Contractor's inspection.o - Contractor's inspection
shall be conducted in accordance with provisions of "Inspect-
ion by Contractor" as contained in OP 400.
4.3 Classification of tests. - The inspection and test-
ing of mechanisms covered by this document shall be classi-
fied as follows:
(a) Acceptance tests.
(b) Preproduction tests.
(c) Periodic production tests.
4.3.1 Acceptance tests. - Acceptance tests for accept-
ance of the mechanism shall consist of tests to determine
compliance with all requirements specified in this document
except the environmental criteria.
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