| ![]() MIL-C-22912(OS)
3.2 General requirements
3.2.1 Data re quired. No data is required by this specification (other
than reports accompanying samples submitted for preproducticn and periodic
production testing), or by applicable docments referenced in Section 2,
unless specified in the contractor order (see 6.2).
3.2.2 Preproduction sample. Unless otherwise specified in the con-
tract or order, preproduction samples of the steering controllers shall
be manufactured using the methods and procedures proposed for the pro-
duction lot. These units shall be tested as specified in Section 4 herein
and are for the purpose of determining , prior to starting production, that
the contractor's production methods are capable of producting steering con-
trollers that comply with the technical requirements of the contract. See
3.2.3 Materials. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, requisi-
tion or order, all materials and purchased parts entering into the final
assembly of the steering controller shall confom strictly to the detailed
requirements indicated on the drawings and specifications in LD 539991.
3.2.4 Finishes, coatings, construction, and dimensions. Finishes,
coatings, constriction, and dimensions for the steering controller shall
be strictly in accordance with the applicable drawings, specifications,
and publications listed in LD 539991.
3.2.5 Moisture, fungus, and corrosion. The steering controller shall
be rendered moisture, fungus, and corrosion resistant in accordance with
detail requirements specified on the drawings and specifications In
LD 539991.
3.2.6 Marking. Marking of assemblies, subassemblies, and parts shall
be in accordance with the applicable drawings listed in LD 539991.
3.2.7 Threads. Unless otherwise specified, all threads shall be in
accordance with National Bureau of Standards Handbook HZ8. The class or
fit for threads shall be specified on the applicable drawings.
3.2.8 Conflicting requirements. Conflicting requirements arising be-
tween this specification or any specifications, publications, or drawings
listed herein shall be referred in writing to the procuring agency or ap-
pointed agent for interpretation and clarification.
3.3 Performance and product characteristics. The steering controller
shall meet the following performance and product characteristics:
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