| ![]() MIL-C-38418E(AS) Inner Directional Gyro Gimbal - The first (inner) directional
gyro gimbal (gyro wheel housing) shall be stabilized by the angular
momentum of the gyro. Its pivot axis shall be the first directional gyro
axis of freedom, shall be perpendicular to the spin axis of the gyro, and
normally shall lie in the horizontal plane. The slaving torquer shall
The gimbal shall have a minimum of +30 of
act about this axis.
freedom about its axis. Directional Gyro Azimuth Gimbal - The second directional gyro
gimbal shall be stabilized by the angular momentum of the gyro.
pivot axis shall be the second directional gyro axis of freedom and shall
The azimuth output synchro and the
be aligned with the vertical.
leveling torquer shall act about this axis. The gimbal shall be capable
of continuous rotation about its axis. Third Gimbal - The third gimbal shall be the pitch gimbal of the
vertical gyro. Pitch Gimbal - The first vertical gyro axis of freedom shall
be stabilized by the angular momentum of the vertical gyro, shall be
normally the pitch axis, and shall normally lie in a horizontal plane.
The roll erection torquer shall act about this axis. The gimbal shall
incorporate gimbal stops for controlled precession during maneuvers
through the vertical. A linear acceleration sensor shall be provided per Fourth (Outer) Gimbal - The fourth gimbal shall be the roll
gimbal of the vertical gyro. Roll Gimbal - The second vertical gyro axis of freedom shall
be stabilized by the angular momentum of the vertical gyro, shall be the
roll axis and shall be aligned with the fore-aft axis of the aircraft.
The pitch erection torquer shall act about this axis. The gimbal shall
have unlimited freedom throughout 360 of roll. A lateral acceleration
sensor shall be provided having a threshold acceleration of 0.065g,
0.01g, directed along the sensitive axis of the acceleration sensor.
3.6.4 Erection - The erection mechanism shall incorporate separate
Erection shall be accomplished by
systems for pitch and roll.
The erection
electrolytic switches and torque motors on the gimbals.
system shall provide both initial (fast) and final (normal) erection and
shall erect the gyro from any attitude to the vertical as determined by
the vertical sensing electrolytic switches.
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