| MIL-C-38418E(AS) Erection Cycle - The erection cycle shall consist of a period of
fast precession erection, not to exceed 120 seconds, after which the
control assembly shall revert to the normal erection rate. Initial Erection - Initial erection of the vertical gyro shall
be such that it will assume a position within 1 of vertical in pitch
and roll within 2 minutes or less after power is applied. The rotor
shall be at a standstill and the spin axis may be in any possible
attitude at the time power is applied. The vertical gyro shall align its
spin axis with the direction of gravity within 1/4 in 2-1/2 minutes
in pitch and in roll. Erection Rates Normal Rate - The normal erection rate about the roll axis
shall be nominally 1.25 per minute and about the pitch axis shall be
5 per minute for deflections of spin axis greater than 0.2 from
Actual rates shall be as shown on figure 1. Pitch erection
sensing shall be maintained when displacing the gyro in roll 45 or
less. Airborne Mode of Operation - If desired, the normal erection
rate about the pitch axis may be reduced when airborne to 1.25 per
minute by grounding connector 2J2-5 of the Electronic Control Amplifier. Fast Erection - Means shall be provided to accomplish fast
erection of the vertical gyro to the apparent vertical of both axes of
the gyro simultaneously.
Fast erection excitation shall be made
available at connector 1J1-8 of the displacement gyroscope..
The fast
erection rate shall be not less than 12 per minute in either axis. Roll and Pitch Pendulum Erection Cutout - The design shall be
such that when pins 6 and 7 of table I are connected externally, roll
erection will be in effect and when pins 5 and 7 are connected
externally, pitch erection will be in effect. When all three pins are
connected externally, both roll and pitch erection shall be functioning.
The erection mechanism shall be so designed that when pins 6 and 7 of
table I are disconnected externally, roll erection will be cut out and
when pins 5 and 7 are disconnected externally, pitch erection will be cut
out. Manual Fast Erection - Provisions shall be made for manual
operation of the fast erection circuits. Actuation of the manual control
shall provide fast erection only during actuation and shall not affect
the normal erection cycles.
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