| ![]() MIL-C-38418E(AS)
3.8.6 Markings and Dimensions Marking - All markings shall be so durable as to withstand usage
Unless otherwise specified, the style and
encountered in service.
proportions of numerals and letters shall conform to MS33558. Numerals - Each numeral shall be so distinctly marked that no
doubt will exist as to which graduation the numeral applies. Marking Dimensions - The dimensions of the markings shall be as
shown in table IX.
Compass System Controller Marking and Dimensions Color - The background of the dial and all other markings not
otherwise specified shall be finished in durable dull black in accordance
with FED-STD-595, Color No. 37038. Knobs shall be gray, Color No. 36231
of FED-STD-595 and all markings shall be white, color No. 37875 of
3.8.7 Weight - The weight of the compass system controller shall not
exceed 1.35 pounds, except for the compass system controllers with the
timed automatic synchronization circuit specified in, wich shall
not exceed 1.5 pounds.
3.8.8 Connector - The connector shall be in accordance with table VIII.
Performance - The control assembly and each component shall be
capable of meeting the tests specified in section 4 under any of the
environmental service conditions or reasonable combination of these
conditions as specified in MIL-E-5400 for class 2 equipment except as
modified herein:
Operating temperatures ranging from -54 to +71C (4.6.12).
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