| ![]() MIL-C-38418E(AS) Indexing Fixture - The indexing fixture shall be so designed
that it can be indexed to 90 in pitch and 360 in roll from a
horizontal attitude and can be accurately positioned through 360 in
heading. Servoed Repeater - The servoed repeater shall be scale graduated
in 2 minute angular intervals or smaller and shall have a resolution of
1 minute or less. Lead Coding - The servoed repeater shall be so connected as to
excite the rotor and to receive the stator signals of a synchro
transmitter that has been previously adjusted and coded for electrical
zero and rotation per MIL-S-20708. These connections shall be arranged
to obtain a zero angular readout with the transmitter on electrical zero,
and an increasing angular readout as the transmitter stator voltages
become maximum in the sequence S2-1, S1-3, S3-2. The servoed repeater
leads shall be coded R1, R2, S1, S2, S3 to correspond with the coding of
the associated transmitter leads.
Simulated Gyroscope Transmitter - The simulated gyroscope
transmitter shall be a Clifton synchro transmitter, type CGH-11-B-2
mounted in an indexing head, or equivalent, and adjusted and coded for
electrical zero and rotation in accordance with MIL-S-20708. The rotor
shall be excited from 26 1V A with R1 high and R2 low. Simulated Azimuth Detector - The simulated magnetic azimuth
detector shall be a Clifton synchro transmitter, type CGH-11-B-2, or
equivalent, mounted in an indexing head or equivalent and adjusted and
coded for electrical zero and rotation in accordance with MIL-S-20708.
The rotor shall be excited from 230 10 mV 800 Hz with R1 high and R2
low The high side of the 800-Hz excitation voltage is identified with
the high side of the 400 Hz, A reference voltage as follows:
The 800 Hz excitation voltage passes through zero amplitude
at the same instant that the 400 Hz reference voltage passes through zero
The 800 Hz excitation voltage increases negatively from zero
amplitude at the same instant that the 400 Hz reference voltage increases
positively from zero amplitude. Simulated Compass Controller - The simulated compass controller
provides controls and signals simulating those functions of the compass
system controller required for conducting tests of the electronic control
amplifier. An actual compass system controller as shown in figure 4 or 5
will be acceptable.
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