| ![]() MIL-C-38418E(AS)
position. Within 10 seconds after reapplication of power, the pitch and
roll axes shall indicate the original position to with 1. After
2 1/2 minutes, the pitch and roll axes shall indicate the original
position within 1/4. Heading Rotation - The case shall be rotated about the vertical
axis in the direction of a right turn. The heading indicator shall show
an increasing angle. Heading Draft Rate - The displacement gyroscope shall be
subjected to scorsby motion and the initial heading and the heading at
the end of each 3 consecutive 1/2 hour intervals shall be recorded. The
rate of heading change shall be computed in degrees per hour for each
interval and the results adjusted to obtain free drift rate by adding the
The earth's rate
earth' s rate correction for the latitude of test.
correction is +15 sine latitude degrees per hour (Northern Hemisphere).
The results shall be as follows:
The average of the three hourly drift rates shall not exceed
1/20 per hour. (For the tests specified in and 4.6.12 through
4.6.24, the normal limit shall be 1 per hour.)
The spread between the most positive and the most negative
hourly rates shall not exceed 1 per hour.
Vertical Drift Rate - The displacement gyroscope shall be
subjected to scorsby motion and tested as follows:
Disconnect pitch erection by opening the jumper between
connector 1J1-7 and 1J1-5 and simultaneously record pitch attitude.
Record pitch attitude at the end of a 15 minute interval and compute rate
of pitch change in degrees per hour. Adjust the result to obtain free
The earth's rate
drift rate by adding the earth's rate correction.
correction in pitch is +15 cosine latitude sine H degrees per hour, where
H is the heading of the displacement gyroscope fore-art axis with respect
to geographic North. (H = 0 for North, 90 for East).
The pitch
drift rate shall not exceed 12 per hour. Reconnect the jumper between
connector 1J1-7 and 1J1-5.
Disconnect roll erection by removing the 6.5V C from
Record roll
connector 1J1-6 and simultaneously record roll attitude.
attitude at the end of a 15 minute interval and compute rate of roll
change in degrees per hour. Adjust the result to obtain free drift rate
by adding the earth's rate correction. The earth's rate correction in
roll is -15 cosine latitude cosine H degrees per hour. The roll drift
rate shall not exceed 12 per hour. Reconnect the 6.5V C to connector
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