| ![]() MIL-C-38418E(AS)
Turn the mode switch on the compass system controller to the
SLAVED position.
Synchronize the control assembly, if necessary.
Rotate the displacement gyroscope through a 5 right turn-
The sync indicator pointer on the compass system controller shall show
full-scale positive (+) deflection.
Rotate the azimuth detector through a 10 right turn.
sync indicator pointer on the compass system controller shall show
full-scale negative (-) deflection.
and note the indicated
the control assembly
Rotate the displacement gyroscope to change the heading 15
from the synchronized null position, and allow normal slaving to return
the heading toward the null position. The time required for the heading
to change from the 15 to the 5 off null position shall be between 5
and 10 minutes.
g. Turn the mode switch on the compass system controller to the
DG position.
Control Assembly Heading Drift Rate - The displacement
gyroscope shall be subjected to scorsby motion and the latitude control
on the compass system controllers set to the local latitude. The control
assembly heading shall be recorded and after a 1 hour interval shall be
recorded again. The change in heading shall be 1 maximum. (For the
tests specified in and 4.6.12 through 4.6.24, the normal limit
shall be 1 1/2 maximum.)
4.6.6 Voltage and Frequency Variation - For this test and all remaining
tests, interconnectIon of components, test equipment, power, and settings
of control assembly controls shall be in accordance with 4.6.2 through
The components shall be properly
4.6.4 or 4.6.5, as applicable.
connected and operated at standard voltage and frequency, and set to a
synchronized null with the simulated azimuth detector at a 0 heading.
The category B voltage and frequency extremes of MIL-STD-704 shall be
applied and the control assembly shall be resynchronized at each value.
The shift in the synchronized null shall not exceed 3/4. The
components, as applicable, shall meet the tests specified in with
a 10 percent increase in tolerance, with a 20 percent increase in
tolerance, with an input rate of 9 rpm and with a 50
No damage shall result from the voltage and
increase in tolerance.
frequency extremes.
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