| ![]() MIL-C-45300B Caps (all types). When connecting the cap to a filler neck
conforming to MS35644 at temperatures of plus 125 to minus 65 degrees
Fahrenheit (F), the torque shall be no greater than 70 inch-pounds attained
before the cap hits the stop limit. The torque required to disconnect the
cap from the filler neck at temperatures of plus 125 to minus 65F shall be
not greater than 70 nor less than 25 inch-pounds. There shall be no visible
evidence of binding (see Fording valve (type 11 only). The torque required to move the
fording valve out of closed or open position shall be not less than 10
inch-ounces (see
3.4.2 Leakage (all types). When tested as specified in 4.6.4, with a
pressure of 2 pounds per square inch (psi) for type I and 1 psi for type II
(with fording value closed) and type III caps, the leakage shall not exceed
0.5 ounce per minute.
3.4.3 Pressure relief valve opening. Type I. When tested as specified in, the pressure
relief valve for type I caps shall open at between 4 to 5 psi, when the float
is in the actuated condition. Type II. When tested as specified in, the pressure
relief valve for type II caps shall open at between 2 to 3 psi, when the
fording valve is in the closed position.
3.4.4 Free breathing (types I and II). When tested as specified in
4.6.6, type I and type 11 caps (type II cap with fording valve open) shall
have an air flow through them of not less than 0.010 cubic foot per minute
(cfm), at room temperature with 1 psi vacuum.
3.4.5 Shear strength (all types). When tested as specified in
type I caps shall withstand not less than 25 foot-pounds of applied
before showing any rotation of the inner member with respect to the
shell. Type II and type 111 caps shall withstand not less than 25
foot-pounds of applied torque before showing any rotation of cup on
plate or inner plate on shell.
3.4.6 External pressure (types II and 111). When tested as specified in
4.6.8, type 11 (with fording valves closed) and type III caps shall not leak.
3.5 Finish (all types). Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), caps
shall be finished on the interior or exterior as specified in the applicable
MS standard (see 3.3 and 4.6.2).
3.6 Identification marking (all types). Caps shall be marked in
accordance with the applicable MS standard and the requirements of
MIL-STD-130 (see 3.3 and 4.6.2).
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