| ![]() MIL-C-45300B
4.6.2 Defects (all types). Conformance to 3.3, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 shall
be determined by examination for the defects listed in table III.
Examination shall be visual or by measurement with standard inspection
4.6.3 Torque. Caps (all types). To determine conformance to, the cap
shall be connected to and then disconnected from the filler neck using a
torque wrench. This procedure shall be repeated five times, observing the
torque required. In connecting the cap, the maximum torque value shall be
attained before the cap reaches the end of travel. Fording valve (type II only). To determine conformance to, actuate the fording valve control from the "open" to the "closed"
position and from the "closed" to the "open" position, using a torque wrench
and noting the torque required.
4.6.4 Leakage (all types). To determine conformance to 3.4.2, a filler
neck, with cap mounted, shall be placed in an airtight chamber (see figure
1). The chamber shall be 3/4 filled with a liquid of the viscosity of
gasoline. It shall be rotated to place the cap below the liquid level. An
internal pressure of 2 psi shall be applied for type I and 1 psi for types 11
and III caps and any leakage shall be recorded.
4.6.5 Pressure relief valve opening. Type 1. To determine conformance to, fabricate an air
pressure chamber from a MS35644 filler neck assembly. Gradually increase the
air pressure to verify that the relief valve opens at 4 to 5 psig. The vent
opening may be plugged with a rubber stopper. For safety reasons, the air
supply system should be designed to preclude exceeding 10 psig. Since the
effective area of the relief valve is approximately 1 square inch, an
equivalent mechanical force may be used in lieu of air pressure. Visually
observe the relief valve opening with a 4 to 5 lb force applied to the ball
chamber by a suitable means, such as a spring scale. Type II. To determine conformance to, the cap shall be
placed on a filler neck and the fording valve shall be closed. Internal
pressure of the filler neck shall be increased at a rate not exceeding 0.1
psi per second until pressure relief valve opens at a maximum of 6 psi is
4.6.6 Free breathing (types I and II). To determine conformance to
3.4.4, the cap shall be installed on a filler neck that is mounted on testing
apparatus conforming to figure 2. One psi of vacuum shall be applied and the
air flow meter shall be checked for resulting air flow through the cap.
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