| ![]() MIL-C-45300B
4.6.7 Shear strength (all types). To determine conformance to 3.4.5,
the cap shall be mounted on a filler neck. Torque shall be applied with a
torque wrench until the rotation of the inner member of the type I cap with
respect to its outer shell and until rotation of cup on inner plate or inner
plate on shell for type II and type III caps occur* The value of torque in
foot-pounds shall be recorded.
4.6.8 External pressure (types I and II). To determine conformance to
3.4.6, the cap shall be mounted on a filler neck. The assembly shall be
inverted and placed in an airtight container (see figure 1) fiiled 3/4 full
of water. The cap shall be below the water surface and the filler neck shall
be vented to atmospheric pressure. A pressure of 5 psi shall be applied to
the airtight container and maintained for 60 to 70 seconds after which the
assembly shall be disassembled and inspected for leakage.
4.7 Inspection of packaging.
4.7.1 Army. Packaging shall be inspected as specified in the packaging
requirement (see 5.1).
4.7.2 Navy and Air Force. The Government shall at unscheduled intervals
inspect the packaging to determine conformance to the requirements of 5.2.
Any evidence of deviation from specified requirements shall be cause for
refusal to conduct further inspection until objective evidence has been
provided by the contractor that corrective action has been taken.
5.1 Preservation, packaging, packing, and marking (for Army use).
Preservation, packaging, packing, and marking for the desired level shall be
in accordance with the applicable packaging requirements specified by the
contracting authority (see 4.7.1 and 6.2).
5.2 Preservation, packaging, packing, and marking (for Navy and Air
Force use) (see 4.7.2).
5.2.1 Preservation and packaging. Preservation and packaging shall be
level A, or commercial, as specified (see 6.2). Level A. Cleaning. Each cap shall be cleaned by any applicable process
or combination of processes in accordance with MIL-P-116. Drying. Immediately after cleaning, each cap shall be dried
by any applicable procedure in accordance with MIL-P-116. Unit packaging. Each cap shall be packaged in accordance with
IC-2 of MIL-P-116, except a contact preservative is not required. Each cap
shall be placed in a snug-fitting box conforming to the requirements of
PPP-B-566, PPP-B-665, or PPP-B-676 and the box shall be enclosed in a
heat-sealed bag conforming to class b of MIL-B-117.
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