| ![]() MIL-L-C-45525B(WC)
performed to ascertain proper functioning. Latching of the operating handle.
seating of the obturator pad, and operartion of the cam shall be checked. Cannon
failing to meet the requirements of 3.3 shall be rejected. performance. Actual firing. Each cannon or repair tube shall be subject to actual
firing by Government personnel at a proving ground designated by USATECOM.
Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the cannon or repair tube firing
Schedule shall consist of firing one round of ammunition which produces 113
percent 24 percent of the UPL (Upper Pressure Limit). Unless otherwise
specified in the contract, sampling for repair tubes shall be at an AQL of 0.10
percent in accordance with MIL-STD-1235 (see 6.1.1). Simulated firing. When specified in the contract (see 6.1.1), breech
mechanisms shall be subjected to simulated firing in accordance with procedures
specified in the contract. Material soundness. After firing, each cannon shall be examined
visually for freedom from cracks, fractures, and other defects. The outer
surfaces of the tube, the breechblock, breechring, carrier, evacuator and
muzzle brake shall. be magnetic-particle tested in accordance with the applicable
part drawing. The inner surface of th e tube shall be examined by means of a
borescope. Any evidence of cracks or fractures shall be cause for rejection. Bore enlargement. After firing no more than 15 rounds, the bore
diameter across the lands of each cannon tube shall be measured with an air
gage$ a star gaqe or other approved gage. Measurements shall be recorded.
Enlargements exceeding the limits specified in Table 1 shall be cause for
rejection o Records. Cannons or repair tubes that pass the firing tests shall
be furnished with applicable data on DA Form 2408-4 by the proving ground.
Cannons or repair tubes accepted on a proof sampling basis shall be furnished
with applicable data on DA Form 2408-4 by the contractor and approved by the
Government representative. The responsibility of the contractor for cannon
or repair tubes which fail the firing tests shall be as specified in the con-
tract (see 6.1.1).
5.1 Pilot pack. On each contract., a pilot pack shall be forwarded in accordance
with 3.1, Pilot packs for the cannon shall be packaged to the level of
packaging specified in the contract and racked level C in accordance with the .
requirements of Packaging Data Sheet P11577214.
5.2 Preservation. packing, and marking. The cannon shall be unit packaged.
packed, and marked in accordance with the requirements of packaging Data Sheet.
pl1577214 for the level of protection specified in the contract (see 6.1.1).
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