| ![]() MIL-C-46344A(MU)
3.5.2 Power operation. - With the computer having a constant load of
between 75 and 90 ounce inches applied to the output shaft, the rotation
bf the output shaft shall correspond to the values indicated in Tables II
and III for the ammunition and ranges specified therein The test shall
be run by allowing the outer index to approach the inner index from both
increasing and decreasing range with power on continuously at 28 plus or
minus 0.5 volts. The computer shall also meet the accuracy requirement
of Tables II and III for the following ammunition and at ranges indicat-
ed when checked at 18 plus or minus 0.5 volts.
Ammunition and Range for 18 Volt Check
APDS-T, M392
500, 1000, 2000 and 3600 meters
HEP-T, M393
500, 1000, 2000 and 3600 meters
HEAT-T, M456(T384E4)
500, 1000, 2000 and 3600 meters
All checks shall be made by approaching index from both clockwise and
counterclockwise direction.
3.5.3 Output shaft tolerance.- When the output shaft rotation of
the computer, as read in degrees is equivalent to the superelevation value
in roils as shown in Column "A", the output shaft tolerance shall be with-
in the corresponding value as shown in Column "B" of Table III.
*The data contained in Column "C" is informational only.
3.5.4 Stability.- Using 28 plus or minus 0.5 volts with an output
shaft load of between 14 and 18 ounce inches, range correction knob set
to introcuce minus 15 percent Within one percent, the rotation of the in-
put shaft between minimum range and 1200 meters shall not cause the com-
puter servo to display any self-sustaining or oscillatory operation when
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