| ![]() MIL-C-46409D (AR)
cartridge shall be first held vertically, bullet upward, and then rotated slowly,end over end in a
vertical plane, stopping the rotation momentarily after 180 of rotation when the bullet is
downward, and then continuing through the remainder of 360 , stopping with the cartridge again
bullet-end upward. The bullet-end of the cartridge should now be lowered slowly to a position
slightly above horizontal. The cartridge shall be chambered very carefully engaged to the
hammer. If the technician encounters any difficulty closing the breech-block or engaging the trip
lever, the test shall be discontinued until such difficulty is corrected. If any delay should occur
after the cartridge is placed in the chamber, and the duration of the delay is approximately 30
seconds or longer, that cartridge shall be extracted and another inserted in its place.
40.2.4 The breech-block shall be closed gently and the trip lever to which the lanyard is
attached, shall be carefully engaged to the hammer. If the technician encounters any difficulty
closing the breech-block or engaging the trip lever, the test shall be discontinued until such
difficulty is corrected. If any delay should occur after the cartridge is placed in the chamber, and
the duration of the delay is approximately 30 seconds or longer, that cartridge shall be extracted
and another inserted in its place.
40.2.5 The technician retire to a safe position and pulls the lanyard with a smooth firm
motion. The velocity of the shock shall be recorded by the chronographer. The breech-block
shall be opened, the fired case extracted and visually examined by the technician for possible
case casualties.
40.2.6 The procedure prescribed in 40.2.3 through 40.2.5 is repeated until the required
number of standards (reference) cartridges have been fired.
40.2.7 The velocity correction shall then be obtained as prescribed in 30.2
40.2.8 Continuous air cooling should be used on the barrel. If air cooling is not available,
firing should be regulated so that one cartridge is fired every 30 seconds. The barrel shall be
allowed to cool to ambient temperature between each series has been fired. At no time shall the
exposed metal surfaces of the test barrel become too hot to grasp with the bare hands
(approximately 140F).
40.2.9 If the average velocity of standard (reference) cartridges is not within 35 F/S of the
official assessed velocity value, the test barrel shall be removed from the test and another barrel
substituted and another series of standards (reference) cartridges fired. If this firing fails to
produce satisfactory velocity results, the cause thereof shall be identified and eliminated before
resuming the test.
40.2.10 After the barrel has cooled to ambient temperature warming (fouling) shots shall be
fired in accordance with 40.2.1.
40.2.11 The test cartridges shall then be fired following the procedure prescribed in 40.2.2
through 40.2.6.
40.2.12 The velocity correction obtained with the standard (reference) cartridges shall then
be applied to the mean velocity obtained with the test cartridges as prescribed in 30.2.
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