| ![]() MIL-C-46553B
3.1 General. - The cartridge shall be in accordance with Drawing (Dwg.)
D7258849, reference specifications, and other requirements specified
3.2 First Article Sample.-Unless otherwise directed by the contracting
officer, a First Article sample shall be required.
3.3 Manufacturing Process.-All parts and assemblies shall be manufactured
by a process approved by the contracting officer, and no deviation from
(see 6.3)
that process shall be made without his prior approval.
3.4 Projectile Torque.-The projectile shall withstand a minimum torque
without rotary movement as specified on Dug. D7258849.
3.5. Projectile Extraction. -The force necessary to extract the projectile
from the cartridge case shall be as specified on Dwg. D7258849.
3.6 Electrical Resistance, Primed Cases.-The electrical resistance of the
primed cases shall be not less than 500 ohms or more than 1,200,000 ohms.
3.7 Velocity.-The average velocity of the sample cartridges conditioned
at 68 degrees (0) Fahrenheit (F) to 72F shall be 2680 50 feet per second
(fps) at 78 feet from the test weapon muzzle and the sample standard devia-
tion shall not exceed 40 fps.
3.8 Pressure.-The average chamber pressure (X) of the sample cartridges,
conditioned at 68F to 72F, plus 0.84 times the average range (R) of the
chamber pressure shall not exceed 51,000 pounds per square inch (psi).
3.9 Waterproofness. -The average velocity (wet) of projectiles of the
sample cartridges conditioned at 68F to 72F shall not vary from the
average velocity (dry) by more than 100 fps.
3.10 Accuracy.-The average mean radius of all targets of the sample car-
tridge projectiles at ambient temperature shall not exceed 15 inches at a
range of 600 yards.
3.11 Action Time.-The action time of the cartridge ambient temperature
shall not exceed 4.0 milliseconds.
3.12 Function and Casualty. -The cartridge, at ambient temperature, shall
function without casualty.
3.13 Workmanship. -The requirements for workmanship are as specified in
the applicable drawing, referenced specifications, and the following:
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