| ![]() MIL-C-48490B(AR) Reticle shift (elevation). With a target line-of-sight
deviation of 36 roils to the right and left of the boresight position defined
in 3.3.2 the reticle shall deviate not greater than 0.15 mil in elevation
during each 36 roils of travel from a line parallel to the assembly axis of
rotation. Mirror slew rate. The mirror shall be capable of rotating its
full 36 roils travel, equivalent to 72 mils target line-of-sight deviation,
within 2.2 seconds. At temperature extremes of -25F and +125F, rotation
through the full 36 roils travel shall be within 3 seconds. Tacometer outputs. With no voltage applied to the mirror
drive motor, tachometer output at J2-H (J2-G rtn) shall be not greater than
4000 mv ms. With the motor drive input set to 36.0 1.0 Vrms at 400 Hz, the
tachometer output at J2-H (J2-G rtn) shall be not less than 2.5 Vrms and shall
be in phase opposition to the motor drive input (J2-J, J2-K (ref)). Mirror - servo system stability. With power and signals
applied to the assembly, the mirror oscillation shall be less than 0.05 mil
peak-to-peak. Mirror -servo system overright. With power and signals
applied to the assembly$ the mirror shall drive to the positions defined in
table I applied to the assembly and the mirror oscillation shall be less
than 0.05 mil peak-to-peak. Resolution. The resolution on the optical axis shall be not
greater than 7 arcseconds at 12X and shall be not greater than 10 arcseconds
at 6X. The resolution at 0.7 field shall be not greater than 15 arcseconds at
12x and shall be not greater than 30 arcseconds at 6x. (See Parallax. With a target viewed at a range of 1000 100 meters,
parallax at the center of field shall be not greater than 0.1 mil (See Cleanliness. The assembly shall meet the assembled optical
system cleanliness requirements specified in MIL-0-13830. (See Image tilt. The sighting system shall rotate the image of an
object not greater than two degrees. (See
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