| ![]() MIL-C-48684A ( A R )
The inspection equipment
4.4.4 Inspection equipment.
required to perform the inspections specified herein is
identified in the "Inspection Method Reference" column of the
Classification of Characteristics listings starting with
Contractor inspection equipment design shall be submitted for
Government approval as specified in the contract. Designs which
provide variable measurements instead of attributes data are
preferred in order to facilitate the use of statistical process
control. See Section 6 of MIL-A-48078 and 6.3 herein.
Methods of inspection.
4.5.1 Check test for deterioration for primers. If the
total time between original acceptance of any lot and the
assembly of that lot into the cartridge exceeds two years, or if
the primers have been subjected to adverse conditions, however
brief, at any time since previous tests, the primer lot shall be
subjected to and must satisfactorily pass the check test for
deterioration specified in MIL-P-60942 immediately before the
primer lot is assembled into the cartridge. This test shall be
performed by the contractor on primers selected by the Government
inspector at the facility assembling the primers into the
cartridge (see 6.6).
4.5.2 Propellant weight in cartridge case. The propellant
weight shall be determined and then check weighed 100 percent.
The check weighing shall be accomplished independently of the
original weighing for determination, using a different balance
from that used to make the original weighing and if performed
manually, shall be performed by another operator. Any charge
which falls to comply with the requirement specified on the
applicable drawing shall be classified defective and removed from
the lot.
Propellant weight of case, cartridge alternate
During production, every propellant charge shall be
weighed or volumetrically loaded. Those failing to comply with
the requirements specified by the applicable drawing shall be
classified defective and removed from the lot. At the start of
production, 380 consecutive samples per station, per machine,
shall be selected and checked weighed 100 percent. All samples
shall comply with the applicable drawing requirement. If all
samples comply with the applicable drawing requirement, 5 samples
per station, for every 2 hours production, shall be selected and
the weight of each of the 5 samples must meet the applicable
drawing requirement. If any weight fails the applicable drawing
requirement, the 2 hours production represented by that sample
shall be rejected. Correction will be made and 380 consecutive
samples check weighed from that station. If all samples meet the
applicable requirement, sampling every 2 hours shall be resumed.
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