| ![]() MIL-C-48684A (AR)
4.5.4 Security of crimp of base plug and action time. Time
cartridge assembly shall be fired in a M129 Grenade launcher.
Observation shall be made for base Plug movement and action time.
The movement of the base plug shall be measured from the highest
point of the base plug to a point on the cartridge case adjacent
to it.
4.5.5 X-ray examination of projectile assemblies. Prior to
assembly to the cartridge case assembly, the projectile assembly
shall be x-rayed for critical, major and minor defects. The test
shall be conducted in two (2) planes. One shall be from the top
of the projectile down and the other from the side.
4.5.6 X-ray examination of ballistic sample. Prior to the
forwarding of the cartridges to the proving ground for ballistic
testing, the cartridges shall be X-rayed for critical, major and
minor defects. The test shall be conducted in two (2) planes.
One shall be from the top of the cartridge down and the other
from the side.
4.5.7 Air pressure. The cartridge assembly shall be placed
in an approved fixture and a measured quantity of air shall be
applied to produce the required air pressure. Fourteen (14)
samples shall be selected from every thirty (30) minutes of
production. The last sample shall be air tested. If it is
acceptable, the thirty (30) minutes of production will be
considered Acceptable; and the samples shall be returned to the
lot. If the sample is unacceptable, the remaining thirteen (13)
samples shall be air tested. If no failure occurs, the thirty
(30) minutes of production shall be considered acceptable. if
one (1) or more failures occur, the thirty minutes of production
shall be rejected and segregated from the lot.
The cartridge shall be
4.5.8 Pull test of projectile.
placed in an approved fixture and the axial tension specified on
the applicable drawing shall be applied. Cartridge case
assemblies may be reused. The projectile shall be pulled until
separation occurs and data recorded.
WARNING: This test is conducted on assemblies containing an
explosive element. Test barricades (where used), procedures and
equipment shall have prior approval.
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