| ![]() MIL-C-50527 (MU) Hydrostatic test of cartridge case (See Para. 3.3),
Major defect, Code No. 07001.- Fifty (50) cartridge cases, less
vent holes, shall be selected from each lot and subjected to this
test. If any cartridge case fails to comply with the applicable
requirement, the lot shall be rejected. The test shall be con-
ducted in accordance with 4.4.2 using equipment in accordance
with 4.3.4. This test does not apply if the alternative construction
is applied. Total vent hole area (alternate method) (See Dwg.
9207989), Major defect, Code No. 08001.- Each cartridge case shall
be inspected for total vent hole area. If any cartridge case fails
to comply with the requirement specified on the applicable drawing,
it shall be classified defective and removed from the lot.
NOTE: If, upon calibration, the equipment setting has changed
so as to permit acceptance of cartridge cases having total vent
hole areas that deviate from the requirement specified on the
applicable drawing, then the cases accepted since the last calibration
must be reinspected and the defective parts removed from the lot.
This test shall be conducted in accordance with 4.4.3 using equipment
in accordance with 4.3.4.
4.3.4 Inspection equipment .-Equipment Tabulation (ET) number
9207989 and equipment Lists (EL's) referenced thereon identify the
inspection equipment required to perform the examinations and tests
prescribed in this section. The contractor shall design inspection
equipment in accordance with the instruc ions in 6.3. Supply and
maintenance of the equipment listed on the EL's shall be in accordance
with MIL-I-45607. Government rights to documentation.- Inspection equipment
drawings and lists provided and revised in accordance with the
requirements of this specification may be used by DOD activities
for design, procurement, manufacture, testing, evaluation, production
and receiving inspection, overhaul, shipping, storage, identification
of stock, ordering and storage of replacement parts, inspection of
items at overhaul, general maintenance of equipment drawings are
Test methods and procedures.
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