| ![]() MIL-C-50736(MU)
8 August 1973
4.5.1 Government furnished inspection equipment. Where the
contract provides for Government furnished inspection equipment, supply
and maintenance of inspection equipment shall be in accordance with the
applicable requirements specified in MIL-I-45607.
4.5.2 Contractor furnished inspection equipment. Government design. Unless otherwise specified in the
contract, all inspection equipment. specified by drawing number in speci-
fications or SQAPS forming a part of the contract shall be supplied by the
contractor in accordance with applicable technical data listed in the TDP.
4. 5. 2.2 Contractor design. The contractor shall design and
supply inspection equipment compatible with the test methods and pro-
cedures specified in 4.6 of this specification and with the component
inspection procedures specified in examination and test facilities
requirements of MIL-F-l3926. Since tolerance of inspection equipment
is normally considered to "be within 10 percent of the pruduct tolerance
for which intended, this inherent error in the inspection equipment
design must be considered as part of the prescribed product tolerance
limit. Thus, concept construction, materials, dimensions, and tolerances
used in the design of inspection equipment shall be so selected and con-
trolled as to insure that the inspection equipment will reliably indicate
acceptability of a product which does not exceed 90 percent of the pre-
SC ribed tole rance limit and permit positive rejection when nonconforming.
Construction shall be such as to facilitate routine calibration of
inspection equipment.
4.6 Test methods and procedures.
4.6.1 Test conditions. Unless otherwise specified, the test
conditions shall be in accordance with the test facilities provisions of
MIL-F-13926. Initial conditions. Connect the power to the assembly
as specified in table I.
4. 6. 2 Returns and range readout selection logic. Apply the
initial conditions of, apply the digital Type-A signal of table I
of the logic level indicated, in turn, to the group of terminals asso-
ciated with each readout specified in table II. Observe the readout
number on the display to determine compliance with
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