| MIL-C-50740(MU)
8 August 1973
4.6.2 Batter power switching test. Apply the signal source
specified in table I (item 3.1). Set the voltage at P1-15 to +24.0 +2.0 Vdc.
Measure the voltage at P1-5 then set the voltage at P1-15 to +16.5
0.5 Vdc. Measure the voltage at P1-5. Verify compliance with
4. 6.3 Malfunction (MALF) light disable test. Apply the signal
source in table I (item 3.1) to P1-l5. Set the voltage to +24.0 2.0 Vdc.
Measure the voltage at P1-8 to determine compliance with
Disconnect P1-22 and P1-7. Verify compliance with Dis
connect the voltage at P1-15. Verify compiance with
4.6.4 Battery drain light drive test. Apply the signal source
specified in table I (item 3. 1) to P1-15. Set the voltage P1-15 to
+24.O 2.O Vdc. Observe the voltage at P1-1 to determine compliance
with Decrease the voltage of P1-15 to +16.5 O.5 vdc. Verify
compliance with
4.6.5 Battery low light drive test. Apply the signal source
specified in table I (item 3.1) to P1-6 and set, in turn, to +25.O O.5 Vdc
and +21.0 1.0 Vdc. Measure the voltages at P1-11 to determine
compliance with
4.6.6 MALF 1 signal test. Apply the signal source specified in
table I (item 3. O) to Pi-6 and set to +24.O 2.O Vdc. Measure the
voltage at P1-14 to determine compliance with Connect P1-20
to P1-6. Again measure the voltage at P1-14 to verify compliance with
4.6.7 Coverter drive signal test. With the power sources
(item 2) of table I applied, measure the outputs of P1-17, and P1-18 to
determine compliance with
4. 6.8 Environmental test. Temperature test. The test apparatus shall be in accor-
dance with the applicable test facilities provisions of MIL-F-13926 except
that the assembly may be mounted on the inside surface of the test
chamber. Perform this test in accordance with procedure I of MIL-F-
13926, with conditions C (-40F), and E (+125), and with the rate of
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