| ![]() MIL-C-50742(MU)
8 August 1973 RANGE indicator. With the +13 Vdc power of table I
applied as specified. but with no signal applied, the indicator light
marked RANGE shall not light. With the + 13 Vdc power applied
as specified and with the logical zero signal type B of table I applied
to J1 -N, the range indicator light shall light. Reticle tight control. With the +13 Vdc power of table I
applied as specified., full-range clockwise rotation of the shaft of poten-
tiometer R1 shall cause the voltage at P1-10 referenced to J1-L to vary
from +0.5 0.5 Vdc to +13.0 1.5 Vdc. Azimuth drive train backlash. With the azimuth output
shaft locked in place. the azimuth control knob shall rotate not more
than 10 degrees (sum of positive and negative rotation) when a torque of
15 ounced-inch (oz. - in.) is alternately applied in the positive and
negative directions. Elevation drive train backlash. With the elevation output
shaft locked in place the elevation control knob shall rotate not more
than 8 degrees (sum of positive and negative rotation) when a torque
of 15 oz. - in. is alternately applied in the positive and negative directions.
3 . 3 . 2 Environmental.
3 . 3 . 2 . 1 Storage temperature. The unit shall meet the requirements
of 3. 3. 1 at ambient temperature after exposure to and thermal stabili-
zation at -80F and +160F. Operating temperatures. The unit shall meet the requi re -
ments of 3.3.1 while exposed to and thermally stabilized at -40F and
+125 F, subsequent to which the requirements of 3.3.1 shall be met at
ambient temperature. Vibration. The unit shall show no physical failure and
shall meet the requirements of 3.3.1 after being exposed to the following
vibratory conditions:
a. Amplitude:
1/64 inch, constant
(1/32 inch double amplitude)
b. Vibratory motion:
Simple harmonic
5 to 55 to 5 Hertz in a five-
c. Sweep time:
minute period
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