| ![]() MIL-C-50742(MU)
8 August 1973
d. Vibration cycling:
Three linear or logarithmic sweeps
applied to each of the three mutually
perpendicular axes. Shock. The unit shall meet the requirements of 3.3.1
after being exposed to a total of 15 shock impulses, three in each
direction along the X and Y axes and one in the positive direction
along the Z axis. Each shock impulse shall be half-sine wave with
a time duration of 3.5 0.5 milliseconds and a peak amplitude of
3.3.3 Sealing. With the unit initially pressurized with nitrogen
or air to 5 1 pounds per square inch gage (psig) (With cover in place),
the loss of pressure shall not exceed 0.055 psig in one-half hour, except
for special sampling-environmental. during which the loss of pressure
shall not exceed 0.22 psig in 2 hours.
3.3.4 Internal pressure. Subsequent to meeting the sealing
requirements, the unit shall be dry flushed with an internal atmosphere
containing air or nitrogen having a dew point of at least -63.5F, and
an internal pressure of 3.5 +0.5 psig shall be established.
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