| ![]() MIL-M-50742(MU)
8 August 1973
4 . 3 Inspection provisions.
4.3.1 Submission of product. Unless otherwise specified herein
or by the contracting officer, inspection lot size, lot formation and
presentation of lots shall be in accordance with inspection and sampling
procedures herein and submission of product provisions of MIL-STD-105.
4 . 3 . 2 Examination and tests. Components and subassemblies. All components and sub-
assemblies shall be inspected in accordance with the inspection provisions
contained in the respective specification and Supplementary Quality Assur-
ance Provisions (SQAP) listed in the technical data package (TDP). In the
absence of SQAPs, the applicable quality assurance provisions of
MIL-F-13926 shall apply.
4 . 3 . 2 . 2 First article testing. First article testing shall be con-
ducted in accordnace with tables III through V to determine compliance
with 4.2. All examinations and tests shall be witnessed by the Govern-
ment Quality Assurance Representative. When manufacturing processes,
materials, or inspection techniques previously applied are subject to
change, or an adverse change occurs in performance capability of the
unit, this shall be cause to cease those operations contributing to the
change or failure until corrections have been made by the contractor
and approved by the Government. Functional tests. The requirements and tests in table
III shall be inspected on a 100 percent basis. All examinations and tests
shall be conducted at the standard ambient temperature.
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